"I don't know, it seems you've forgotten about me and just hooked on to Niall. you know you probably drove Ben to kiss Ashlyn." he says. He puts all the things he brought for Ellie down and leaves the room. I watch him walk out and I don't follow him. I watch the door shut. And then I decide, what would it hurt.

I run out to the hall and see Liam walking towards the elevator.

"You know Liam, none of this is my fault. I know you need to find some one to blame about all this. But news flash it isn't my fault. It isn't my fault you drive yourself away from your band. It's not my fault you chose a lying slut for a girlfriend. It's not my fault you never check your mail I sent. The same way it's not your fault my mum and sister died. It's not your fault that my brothers friend was the one to kill my sister. It's not your fault I was raped and it's not your fault ben cheated on me. But it is partly your fault that I got pregnant so early and it is your fault that Ellie is in that hospital bed. I lost my childhood to raise a child. I grew up faster then I should have, but you still haven't. So goodnight Liam, and I hope you realize not only what you almost lost tonight but what you would have taken away from me. I've lost way too much, maybe now it's your turn." Liam didn't say anything back to me. He looked at me before going into the elevator. I turn around and the boys all stand and clap for me. I even see the nurse crack a smile. When I look at all the faces, I see one that didn't belong.


"I'm not dealing with you tonight" I roll my eyes walking back to the room.

"Avery Please." he pleads.

"Please what? Are you going to explain to me how none of this really sucks. How the one person I could trust my entire life, turned on me? What do you want me to say?" I scoff. "maybe you and Liam should have stayed better friends. You have one thing in common, almost killing Ellie."

I slam the door closed and sit in with Ellie for God knows how long.

No one bothers to come in. Not even Niall. And I'm honestly glad. I'm glad to just have my daughter and I.

"Ellie baby, I know you're sleeping but momma just wanted to tell you how sorry she is. You're going to hear some terrible things in this world. People are cruel and they make up lies and will do anything to make a dollar. Ellie baby, I don't want you to have to grow up in a world like that. Unfortunately you have to. I wish I could tell you that one day you'll find a Prince Charming and everything will be perfect. But it's not. People you trust will hurt you baby. Bur believe me I will try to stop it. I will try so same hard. In sorry for being a bad mum. And I love you." I was rambling at this point.

"You're not a bad momma. I love you" a really weak small voice says. When I look up Ellie is awake and sitting up.

"Oh thank God." I gasp grabbing her. "Baby girl I was so scared." I tell her. My one hand running through her hair, the other keeping her close to me.

"I was scarred too momma." she whispers. "I don't want to feel like that again." she cries.

"I love you so much baby." I'm crying with her.

"I love you even more momma."


"Rise and shine sleepy heads" A familiar jokester voice says. When I open my eyes Four familiar boys are in the room with food and a lot of gift store presents. I've never seen so many stuffed animals in my life.

"It's like noon." Niall laughs after seeing my face. I love seeing his face.

"You know, I had a pretty long night." I chuckle.

"Oh my! Everyone is here!" Ellie explains finally waking up. "Ou Teddy gimme, gimmie, gimme." Ellie says.

"Ellie manors." I warn.

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