Chapter 16

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1st Person POV

Kin... I lowered my gaze. I gave him a small bow. This was something I learn back in the cell—I remember the guards doing this to respect their superior or at least someone worth respecting. As I looked up, he was laughing at me. He smiled, mouthing more words to me. Thank you.

Just like that the fog disappeared. I narrowed my eyes at the retreating form of the scientist. I quickly shot his legs, letting him fall onto the ground, screaming in pain. "Just where do you think you're going?"

He looked at me in fear as he tried to talk but nothing came out. I got out a pair of knives. "It looks like I need to force you to talk huh?"

He shrieked as I stepped on his hand. I began peeling his nails off with a knife. He continued to scream. I stabbed a needle and injected medication at his neck. His eyes widened. His body began to shake in pain as I stabbed a knife in his hand, effectively pinning him. I continued to tear each nail about letting the blade wonder towards his legs. I look back at him. "When after you want to explain, I don't mind stopping."

With no response, I sighed. If I was honestly with myself, I didn't mind this. It was like a voice calling me to it do instead. He asked for this. I began to cut his family jewels off. I watch him cry in pain, struggling and screaming only to fall in deaf's ears. I pulled the knife down towards his thigh and cut a fresh would open. I easily move the muscles apart and started to scratch the bone. He twitched, trying to stay still—he was fighting back—therefore he still wanted to live without suffering pain. How hilarious. "Remember, you chose this."

I tear off a sleeve of his coat and stuffed it in his mouth. I sewed his mouth part way closed with the sleeve still inside. His tears were falling even faster. He looked like he was going to pass out. I looked for another needle from my bag before stabbing him with it. This one was for staying conscious longer—adrenaline. I left to picked a bit of fire that I used to kill the creature. I was going to use it to burn the wounds and if he was lucky, he won't die from blood lost. Not like I'd let him. He needed to suffer more. Dying because of blood lost would be the easy way out for him. "There's still time left before I'll change you entire appearance. Make your decision wisely."

I wiped the blood off my hands. It was a really messy way to make someone talk, but at least it was effective. I stuck his body onto a tree's branch. letting it hang around longer. I got the information that I needed after all. So there's no problem of how I decide to dispose of the body—no matter how cruel it is—I was granted this by the government.

There seems to be beasts like that all over the jungle. Although, they are usually nocturnal, they will hunt prey if they are too close to them. Very aggressive creatures—mutants from failed test subjects—humans—and multiple injections of abilities. Most of them had the same abilities as each other. A few of them were special having their own unique powers.

There also seems to be another scientist here, who originally conducted research of this topic and invited this man and many others to witness his work. Many didn't like this and of course was killed and used to fed for the creatures. This man was the only other who inspired to help him. Alas, this problem with me happened and interrupted the process. Great.

I continued to walk forward up the trail. There was something that caught my eyes. An aging fence and sign. I walked towards it. It was off to the right of the trail. Pass the sign and inside the fence's area were shaped stones and branches that sways with the wind the blew by. Some of the leaves from nearby tree decorated the place and a few of the branches and rocks tipped over. The colour of the dirt—or sand now—was dull and it was of course to see that it was a long time ago still this was last taken care of. Decades or longer... I could see the picture a bit better now. This was a graveyard.

I jumped over the gate to take a better look at things. The dead leaves crunched under my steps. I couldn't help but to enter. It feel more welcoming than I first expected. How insane was that?

My eyes fluttered. There was something in my eyes. I wiped it away, knowing it was tears but not knowing why would I cry other this? Did I know them? That was very unlikely. But at the same time, maybe I interacted with more people than I can remember. I wasn't sure but if the brothers Dazai and Chuuya were trapped and became monsters like Kin, I couldn't help but feel rage coursing my system.

I began to run towards the volcano. New fuel of anger, I look very forwards to chatting with the innominate man who responsible for this. Unknown to me, my power was just starting to evolve into something more horrendously strange and powerful.

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