Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

Kouyou sat in the meeting room with Mori. Only the two of them were there. The dark shades of red and black filled the room with loneliness. The empty chairs that were once filled with people, mocked the current executive and boss in their face. Only a ghostly image was left in their place.

Mori sighed. The two of them weren't here today either, huh.

Since the death of [S Surname] [S Sname], Chuuya and Dazai never left their rooms. It has taken a toll on their health and wellbeing. Both Mori and Kouyou couldn't come up with an idea that could help them. The two of them were adults, so they would have a better sense of the situation and how they can mend it for themselves. But for the other two, it was a different story. They were born in environments different from each other. But this is exactly why Mori needed to train them. But he already knew that they had some idea of something similar would happen to the girl they cherished. Although they weren't prepared for it yet.

"What should we do?" Kouyou said, breaking the silence. There was worry in her voice. After all, she raised the two of them with so much love that she couldn't bare to see them suffer something they couldn't stop from happen. The opponent was just too strong, that's all.

"Nothing," he said, fatigue was getting to him. He was doing lots for the two. He has been digging up anything related to her and not much as come up. So day, they decided to visit the girl's room to find anything else—like he has done since the beginning of the search. But of course, nothing came up. It's been several months since her death. For him, they were pushing his nerves to the extreme. "they need to understand to find a way to recover from it. It's their own problem now."

Kouyou frown. She understood this but it was difficult. She also raised [S Surname] like one of her own and she died. Of course she wasn't in the best mood. Of course she didn't''t like Mori's response. But she knew that couldn't let her drag her down. If she did, she would've quit Port Mafia for good. Or even died because of the guilt.

Mori saw her expression turn bitter. He sighed. Not her too. "Let's get going. Nothing will be completed if we wait here."

Inside the ruins of [S Surname]'s room, the two of them wandering inside. The former walls fixed. Some of the furniture—or whatever furniture she orginally had—remained clean. However, it was cold there. As they welcomed themselves inside, they divided themselves into side of the room they had to search. This was hours ago and yet the two were still there. Nonstop, searching for anything. Soon being classified information for them.

As Mori searched, he heard the wind blowing through the cracks of the room. Strange. He repaired the outside, so definitely there shouldn't be a single breeze. Right?

"Mori-san, if I were to die..."

He froze. Although, he knew that somehow the room was chilly from the window. That voice in his memory froze him over. He backed up, footsteps wavering in a mix of amazement and fear. He hit the wall and thought back to the conversation he had between the girl and himself.

The girl walked in front of Mori's quarter. She was extremely confused but knocked on the door.

"Boss. This is [S Surname]." She called out.

A few seconds later, she got a response back.

"[S Surname]-kun, please enter."

Just like that, she opened the door of the room. The first thing she notice was Elise beating her boss up. But she paid no attention to that. It was all too normal for her now.

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