Chapter 11

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1st Person POV

My eyes widen and shot out of the bed. My hands gripped on the knives as I tried to study where the noise came from. But alas, no results were made. I huffed quietly. It was like a nightmare of some sorts.

I dropped my knives and grappled my head instead, in confusion. Was that a dream...? No... I tried to convince myself otherwise. My brain was leaping to the other conclusion. It was definitely not a memory. It definitely wasn't. I know it wasn't. It shouldn't be... right?

It was agony. I couldn't—can't convince myself. It just felt too realistic to be... but it was a lead to the past. Apart of me didn't want to accept I guess or locked in my heart, trying to not ever resurface. If that was so, I needed more. I wanted to know more than that. So I got back into bed, hoping I could fall asleep somehow, someway.

There I was again, but nothing this time. It was a blank. A depth of agony found its way to my heart and tighten its strings. The fear overwhelmed me.

I reopen my eyes and thought long about it. If there was even a 1% chance that was reality, were could it all have happened. Was it really at the island were I was going towards? A side effect that the island produced? Nothing was written much about it. It just seemed like an ordinary getaway for nature enthusiasts. But I can assume there was more than met the eye. The only document written that held much importance in my eyes was the tragedy that occurs years ago and how that place is where you met Natsune-sensei. As well as trained with him until I joined the government to carry his will there. It was definitely fishy how it came to be honestly. I still doubt it sometimes, but it's the least of the concerns.

Plus, there's only 1 Chuuya and Dazai I know and it's the crackhead combo at Port Mafia. If I were to have known them in the past, at least one of them would've brought it open right? So insane. Maybe I'm just not sane?

It was so much thinking for someone who didn't catch much rest yet.

I sighed as sat open as I spoke quietly. "Doppelgänger."

In a second, a replicant of myself sat in front of me. An ability I didn't know much myself until a while ago. But since then, I trained it in secret. It was also from a dream-like memory of mines and how I faked my own death back then. The only problem was if it's killed, my time will end quicker. I think it cuts half of my total years I have remaining anyways. Lets hope that day doesn't come soon.

I whispered to myself. "Maybe I'm just really insane? How crazy is that?"

The other half didn't respond and just stared back at me. I feel like I'm going to lose it...

"I should really sleep. I need to find those ruins if they truly do exist."

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