Chapter 9

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1st person POV

The sea constructed the sky. It's rich blues, rippled with warmth melting into the sky, bearing similar shades. The sun setting, cooling the surface of the planet. The moon creeping in little by little in the shadows of the former. I sighed, leaning the railing of the ship. It was getting late.

Thinking back, I could still remember their faces—their eyes. Terrified. Scared of what has already been lost—yet what they most wanted was right in front of them. A twist on some Shakespeare play almost. Oh Romeo, if you only knew. Your lover—still alive—waited for you. She faked her death only to yours. She sip the drink once more and breathe for the last time.

But this isn't that tale.

I watched the waves crashed as I felt the sprinkles of sea drizzle my feet. Oh Juliet, if you only knew. Your lover yearned as much as you did. So being with you meant the world to him. Each drop of poison painfully reminded him that he couldn't stop you—that it was his fault in the end. As you awake, you cried for him as much as he would for you and died there with him.

What a shame, really. If you really knew...

I heard my phone ringing. I pulled it out, checking the caller id. Junior.

I blinked in slight confusion—almost blinking my way back to the past. Oh it was Ango. "Ango? Is there something you need?"

It was a bit scratchy but I could make out what his was trying to say. "It's been a while. How have you been?"

"Not bad, could be doing better." I replied, eyes watching another wave disappear back into the ocean from the wake of the ship. "Has chief been pushing you lots of assignment?"

"Unfortunately..." He says. I heard him sigh. "I have another one that I could use your help with."

I raised my eyebrow. "And that is?"

"Surveil Port Mafia." He responds. I heard a click of a pen and some scratches of it onto something—probably a writing pad. "What are some dos and don'ts I should know of?" 

"Well..." I thought for a bit. There was going to be a influx of Mafiosos joining if I remember. But what should I say...? "If I had to guess, it would be staying away of the higher ups...?"

"I could already guess that." He sighs. "Something... other than that?"

"Ah well," I hopped onto the railing, siting on it. My legs kicked over the railing as they dangled beneath me. "Stay as far from possible from and Nakahara Chuuya and Dazai Osamu."

"How dangerous are they?" He says, almost hesitantly.

"I described this in the reports, did I not? Both have their different strength—as you saw in the previous report. The ginger having a powerful ability—destructive wise and the brunette's intuition is spot on for the most part." I took a breather. "That doesn't mean they weaknesses are the other's strength. Surprisingly, they hid this other strength. The ginger having quite perception and brunette having more bite."

There was writing in the background. The quick and light jots of his penmanship creating a maelstrom of letters on the paper stopped. "I must get going soon. Thank you for your advice, [Surname]-senpai."

I blinked. "That's the least I can do for you. Take care."

Just like that I hung up and slipped the phone away. I couldn't help by sigh away. What a joke... I bet he'll find himself in a bind —probably the same situation—anyways.

I sat up and jumped off the railing. He was going to do his best... which means I need to do that same. I landed on my feet as the ship moved ever so slightly to my goal. The island where is all started from. My first memories. Omodekeimusho island. A strange name if I had to say so. Some of the symbols couldn't be read when they first discovered the island in the last past. The inhabitants weren't sure about this either—many reporter wrote. But the only thing now was it was a place that you remember. The only place you remember before you met Natsume-sensei.

I wanted answers.

Ever since I remember reading that news clipping about immigrates travelling from that island to Japan, I couldn't help but remember that dream from before. Being trapped and experimented on... Even the name Fyodor being somehow connected to me... That's something—as an government official and a person without many memories—would like to know.

"I should get something to eat"

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