"Why did you call of us here Father?" Seungcheol asked while looking at their father who looked at them along with their mother.

"It's because we have a mission for the seven of you," Sunyoung said making them look at them.

"What kind of mission?" Seokmin, the fourth prince asked while looking at their mother.

"It's time for you boys to find the Serenity kingdom's missing princes," their father said making them look at him in shock.

"Wait, you managed to find them?!" Mingyu, the fifth prince said happily making them nod while smiling.

"Yes, we finally managed to do so," Sunyoung said as she smiled.

"Where are they?" Vernon, the sixth prince asked.

"They are in the human world," Seungwoo said making the princes look at him.

"The human world? That's the place where the people don't have powers right?" Chan, the youngest of the princes making them nod.

"Jungho and Jieun decided that it was the safest place for them to be in," Sunyoung said softly.

"How did you know where they were at?" Seungcheol asked making them sigh.

"A letter was sent to us, telling us about where the princes are at along with the reason why the kingdom disappeared but let's not talk about it for now. You boys will be heading to that world to find them and bring them back here" Seungwoo said making the princes nod their heads.

"When are we leaving?" Mingyu asked.

"Tonight, it's best that you find them as soon as possible because they could be in danger any moment," Seungwoo said making the princes nod again. Seunyoung then walked over to them with a soft look.

"Promise me that you boys will be safe there and protect each other as well as Jeonghan and his brothers," she said as she hugged her sons tightly.

"We will Eomma, we'll bring back Jeonghan-Hyung and his brothers," Chan said making her nod her head then she let them go. Seungwoo went up to Seungcheol and put a hand on his shoulder while looking at him seriously.

"Make sure that nothing happens to you and your brothers alright Seungcheol? An make sure that nobody from that world see you use your powers" he said making the eldest prince nod his head.

"I will Appa, I won't let anybody hurt them and we will be careful," Seungcheol said making him nod.

"Alright, you boys go and prepare yourselves for the journey," Seungwoo said making them nod then walked towards their rooms. As the princes went out of the throne room, Seungwoo held his wife to his chest.

"Was this a good idea?" Sunyoung asked softly.

"We don't really have a choice, they are the only ones that can find Jeonghan and the others because they are soulmates," Seungwoo said making her sigh.

"I hope they succeed," she said making him hold her even more.

"They will, just have faith in them," Seungwoo said making her nod. Meanwhile, the princes are on their way to their rooms.

"I hope we find them," Mingyu said with a look of worry.

"Don't worry Mingyu, we will find them" Seungcheol said patting his younger brother's shoulder making him nod. They then went split up and went inside their rooms and prepared themselves. Seungcheol looked at the bracelet Jeonghan gave him again and held it tightly.

'Don't worry Jeonghan, we'll find you guys soon' he thought while looking out of his window with a determined look.

*In the Human world*

In a school, two boys can be seen walking in the hallway, passing by the other students who were doing their own things with their group of friends. As the two boys passed by the hall, one of them suddenly stopped and turned around making the other boy look at him.

"You alright Jeonghan?" the boy asked making the other look at him.

"I thought I heard someone call my name" Jeonghan said making his companion to look at him confused.

"Are you sure? I didn't hear anyone though" the other asked making him frown.

"Maybe it was all in my head. Come on Joshua, let's head to our usual spot now. The others are probably there now, waiting for us" Jeonghan said making Joshua nod as they continued on their way to their normal spot where they always hang out together during lunch. These two are Jeonghan and Jisoo, also known as Joshua. The two of them are the eldest and second eldest between seven brothers respectively. Not too long, they arrived on the school's garden where their brothers were waiting for them. The first ones to notice them was the third eldest, Wonwoo who was reading on a book.

"There you two are, I was wondering what took you guys so long?" he asked while putting down his book. The rest of their brothers looked there way as the two of them smiled apologetically.

"Sorry guys, our teacher held up everyone in class today" Jeonghan said sighing softly while sitting down next to him as Joshua sat next to him.

"Why did they hold you guys up? Weren't your classes supposed to end once the bell rung?" Minghao, the fifth brother asked while drinking from his water bottle.

"We had to finish presenting our projects in that class, me and Jeonghan were the first ones to finish so we had to wait for the other groups to finish" Joshua said while smiling softly. Jeonghan looked around with, looking for something or someone.

"Where are Seungkwan and Samuel?" he asked.

"They went to buy lunch for us. Those two should be here by now" Jihoon, fourth brother said while lying down on the grass. Right after he said that, the two mentioned brothers arrived while each carrying a bag with their food in them.

"Oh good, you two are here now. The both of just bought our food" the sixth brother said while putting the bag on the middle since they were sitting in a circular manner.

"Thanks for buying us linch Kwan-ah, Muel-ah" Jeonghan said making the two nod.

"No problem Hyungie, besides it was our turn to do so anyway" Samuel, the youngest said while drinking from a juice can that he took from inside the bag.

"Let's start eating now guys" Joshua said making all of them to nod and take someof the food before starting to eat. The seven of them ate together while sharing their day in their individual classes. As they were enjoying their time, they don't know that someone was watching them from the shadows.

"It won't be long, your highnesses. I hope the princes will be able to find you and hopefully keep you safe" the figure said with a soft smile as they watched the brothers enjoying themselves before they decided to leave walk away from where the boys were at.

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