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It was me, Seixtein—The girl from the story called "Seixtein"

I was named Seixtein, the combination of name of my parents—Seixianna and Estein.

My mom was Sixteen when she got pregnant and she gave birth of me at the age of 17.

16 is the day date that I was born and 16:16 was the time that I was born.

1 year had passed,
We celebrated my 1st year birthday.

4 years had passed,

We celebrated my 5th birthday.

2 years had passed,

We celebrated my 7th birthday.

4 years had passed,

I met a guy, he told me that he likes me a lot. I'm in the 6th grade that time.

4 years had passed again,

The guy that I met courted me. He courted me for 16 months—1 year and 4 months.

And  today,

Today, is my sweet sixteenth birthday

I thought it was sweet as a chocolate, but I'm wrong, this is the sweetest and worst day that I had, because I lost the guy who I met. I lost him, because he saved me on being raped and he was killed by my uncle.

16 is the day date that I was born, 16:16 was the time that I was born.

His age is my name. I'm Seixtein—the girl that he saved.

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