"Taehyung, I've had experience with angry men whether I liked it or not." I patted his hand, hoping he'll let go.

"Who?" Jungkook demanded, jumping to his feet, his eyes once resting, relaxed eyes were sparked and grew to a wildfire. "Becca tell me who hurt you-"

"My dad." I pulled my hand away from Taehyung, touching not really bringing back good memories for me. "I'll be fine with Yoongi. I've seen it all."

"Becca." Jimin whispered softly, but I was already walking, not wanting to talk about my past. It was done and over with. I can't change it but I sure can ignore it.


She took a shaky breath once she walked out onto the roof. Of course Yoongi had to be sitting on the very edge, his feet dangling over the edge, 13 floors below.

"Yoongi." Rebecca spoke up, walking over to him, not wanting to startle him and have him fall. "Hey, are you okay?" Yoongi only hummed, thankfully no wind hiding his voice. He wasn't going to talk unless she was right there, right next to him. Both knew this, and one was scared out of her fucking wits.

Rebecca is terrified heights. Well, she's terrified of falling, which caused the fear of heights.

But hey, Yoongi stood beside her while she was going through hell. The least she could do was sit next to him.

He wouldn't let her fall.


"Hey Bec-woah." Yoongi turned towards her as Rebecca sat next to him, her heart wrenching in her chest, her whole body shaking. But the shivers and pale face passed through Yoongi for he was to distracted by her beauty. "You did your makeup? And your hair? You never do them." Rebecca took a shaky breath, looking down at her hands so she wouldn't have to look at Yoongi. More specifically, not have to see the other buildings behind him.

"J-Jimin and Kook, they, uhm, they did it." Rebecca swallowed, closing her eyes once she glimpsed the streets below. "Oh God." She mumbled, Yoongi not hearing her fear.

"I think you look absolutely stunning." Yoongi subconsciously licked his lips, his eyes looking her up and down, too blind to see her fear. "What are you doing up here?"

"I saw-watched, saw yes saw...you slammed the door, and then, uhm, up here." Rebecca blinked rapidly, not letting her hands leave the concrete she was sitting on, her legs pressed tightly against the building. "Holy fuck." She gasped, her body leaning forward, her hand slamming onto Yoongi's.

"Woah woah." Yoongi laughed, holding onto her hand as well, still, ignoring her pants. It must've been the lip gloss. "Hey I'm fine by the way. Jin and I got in an argument and that's all. We'll get over it in a few hours."

"Oh, an argument." Rebecca couldn't keep her eyes off the streets below, her mind screaming, screaming for her to jump.


No don't jump


You have to. You want this.


"Wait." Yoongi finally came to his senses. He was locked on Rebecca's eyes, but with her turned away... "Wait Becca, aren't you afraid of heights?" Rebecca was already in the verge of tears before he asked that. They were tears of fear.

Fear of thoughts and fear of falling. Both, connected to each other.

"Y-yeah." The tears fell before the stutter left her lips.

"Jesus Christ Rebecca what the hell are you doing sitting here?" Yoongi was back to normal, pulling Rebecca off the roof with him. She pulled them both down, her knees too shaky to stand, and they were on the ground, Yoongi hugging Rebecca tightly as she cried.

"I...you needed some, anyone to talk to uhm just talk to." She clenched his sweatshirt, holding on for dear life.

"No no don't you ever do that again." Yoongi shut his eyes tight, hugging her even tighter than before. Both thought that wasn't possible, but Yoongi proved them both wrong.

You should've jumped.

"I'm sorry-"

"No!" Yoongi raised his voice and Rebecca whimpered, scared out of her fucking mind. "No," Yoongi said much more gently now, cussing himself out in his head. "You arent allowed to say that, okay?"

You should've jumped.

"You're perfect, okay?" Yoongi started to rub her back, taking a deep breath. "You are so so perfect."

"No I'm not." Rebecca kept crying, the soft sobs not getting better or worse. "No I should've-"

Yes, yes. You should've jumped.

"Yes you are Becca." Yoongi interrupted her, his burning for her. His mind unknown to her thoughts. His hands, not stopping their reassuring touch. "Hey, I won't leave until you're better, okay? I'm staying right here."

"Thank you." Rebecca sniffled, slightly remembering what Yoongi told her many nights before.

"Tell me next time you're cold."

"I'm cold Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled softly as well, him too remembering what he had said. "We have two options then Angel." He released the hug and looked her in the eyes. "I can give you my jacket, or we can go to my room and I'll get you warm."

Aren't you glad you didn't jump?

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