chapter 2

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Dahyun pov

Time skip➡️➡️↔️➡️↔️↔️➡️↔️↔️

Whole twice here in cafeteria and my little sister shannon

"Shannon do you enjoy in your class?" I asked

"Yeahh actually i have a crush in our prof." She whispering to me then i laughed so hard

"Dahyun do you have a problem you laughing like idiot" jihyo asked

"Ah.. nothing shannon tell me about her crush" i said with laughed

"Unnie!!" She yelled then cross her arm

"Dont worry i would tell anyone who's your crush even its your professor hahahah" i said laughed hard they laughed all except shannon she just punching me

Then bts came "whats happening here?" One guy said

"Oh.. namjoon i will introduce you" jihyo said so that is namjoon ok

"Guys meet bts, bts meet twice," they waved at us then we waved back

"Hi my name is namjoon this is jin, jungkook, taehyung, jimin, hoseok, yoongi" namjoon said pointing them one by one

"Nice to meet you" we all said " btw my name is jihyo this is nayeon, jeongyeon, chaeyoung, tzuyu, dahyun, mina, sana, momo and shannon sister of dahyun" jihyo said pointing to us

"Can we join to you?" Jungkook said

"Ahmm.. yeah but dont be kj ok!" Chae said and then we laughed

"What kj means?" Jungkook asked innocently

"Whaha too innocent kj means kill joy" mina said then all laughed then they sit in our front

"Guys.. do you want to hang out?" Jimin said staring at  me like insane

"This weekend we are free" nayeon said checking to her phone

"Great are you coming too?" Jimin asked then i shock

"Yieee... unnie  are you blushing?" Shannon teasing me

"Ahh... no no" i said holding my face

"So your not free?" Jimin asked sadly tone

"Aniya!! Aniya!!, shannon stop teasing me!" I said cross two eyebrows

"Miyan~~ unnie~~" she said hugging my arm

"Fine, jimin im free" i said to jimim then his face glow up

Time skip➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

At my house

"Shannon check the gc!" I yelled while putting my pj on

"Dahyunnie nayeon and sana give your number to jimin and jungkook!" Shannon shouted

"My number ok, WAIT WHAT?!!" I asked shouted running to her room and took her phone

"Unnie you have own phone why would you check it out?"shannon said cross arm

"Yeah right" i said and throw her phone then quickly run to my room then took my phone check the gc

Juliet and Romeo fans

-jungkook want dahyun phone number- sana

-then add bts here- nayeon

-ok wait for a while- sana

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Sana added namjoon
Sana added jungkook
Sana added jimin
Sana added tae tae
Sana added jin
Sana added hoseok
Sana added yonngi

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-hey what's up- hoseok

-jungkook this is dahyun number629738197301- sana

-thankzzzzz- jungkook

-can i have that too???- jimin

-yeahhh jimin- nayeon

-dahyunnie is burning!!!- shannon

-HAHAHAHAHA she always burning when we talked about her- nayeon

-dahyun will kill you tomorrow- momo

-how do you know momo?- nayeon

-she email me- momo

-And im tell you right now i will kill you even your the older one- dahyun burning

-Im dead rip- nayeon

-and you two jungkook and jimin!!!!- dahyun burning

Time skip➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

Hang out


Jimin: Dahyunnie~~

Dahyun: what?

Jimin: are you ready for later?

Dahyun: yeah why?

Jimin: can i Fitch you i just want to talk

Dahyun: about what?

Jimin: about.... us👉👈

Dahyun: US?!

Jimin: no them

Dahyun: ok ok Fitch me at 12:00 pm i be waiting..

Jimin: yes adam




The Plan To Get My Dubu [Completed] // K.DH & P.J.MWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu