Chapter 22

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Kian's POV.
I've been back in LA for like 3 weeks now and Andrea and I still haven't talked Im home alone and kinda board when I hear the door bell ring. It was Andrea. She walked in and sat down.
"Kian we really need to talk", she said
"Well what is there to talk about", I
"Lots", andrea said
"Andrea you just can't come into my house and expect me to forgive you just like that", I added
"But Kian were gonna have a baby together and I love you so we need to figure things out" she said
1 hour passes
Andrea- Kian what do you mean I don't care! I'm over hear crying a river trying to fix things so our relationship doesn't fall.
Kian-Aye, I'm not crying because I know if I cry then I'll be to weak to fight for our relationship to work *sad*
Andrea-I'm trying my best. And doing all I can Kian
Kian- Oh so your trying! Well try harder cuz you trying is NOT Working
Kian's POV.
Andrea started walking towards me and tried touching my face with her hand but I pushed her hand back and turned away.
Kian- Andrea. *deep breath in*, this.. is currently not what I call a healthy relationship. We can't be a couple fighting like this.
Andrea- Ok Kian ok! Then let's fix it. PLEASE *crying*
Kian-That's what I've been trying to do from the moment you walked in but you aren't helping.
Andrea-What do you mean I'm not helping?
Kian- Andrea. every time I see you. It reminds me of New Years Eve when I saw you making out with all those guys I front of me. And how you flipped me off and being drunk during your pregnancy.
Andrea- But Kian that's why I wanna fix all of this, because I care for us.
Kian- Well you didn't seem to care when you did all those thing, aren't I right?
Andrea- Kian... I-I- I didn't mean to baby, I love you
Kian- ANDREA ANSWER MY QUESTION! That's not what I asked! I asked you if when you did all those thing, did you fuckin care Andrea!?
Andrea- Kian..
Kian- Andrea answer my fuckin question damit!
*Andrea starts crying*
*Kian walks to the front door and gestures Andrea to walk out*
Kian- *takes a deep breath* ok fine.. if you're not gonna answer my question then leave and don't try contacting me till you get the answer *tear rolls down his face*
Andrea's POV.
I grabbed my bad and slowly walked out hoping Kian would change his mind.
"Kian."i said
"OUT ANDREA" Kian shouted
I walked out and he shut the door loudly. I turned my back and rested my head on the door and said quietly, "I love you".
Kian's POV.
I stayed by the door and heard what Andrea said. I sat against the door and just thought. I ended up falling asleep for like 2 hours but was awaken by JC ringing the doorbell.
"Aye dude I was at Jenn's and Andrea's place and Andrea came walking in the door with make up running down her face. And she told us what happened. so dude are you okay?"JC asked.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, thanks for your concern", I said almost crying.
"K well I'm gonna go film, if you need to talk or you need something, I'm always there"JC told me. And I nodded and smiled. I went in the kitchen to go make some lunch then I watched tv for like an hour, but I couldn't get Andrea off my mind so I went over to JC's room.
"Hey so I can't get Andrea off my mind so I need something to do to distract me from all of it", I said to him.
"Oh ok perfect timing, Me, Sammy Wilk, Nate, and Jack were gonna go hang out. Ugh want to come?"JC asked.
"Oh YESSSS PLEASE, that's just what I need some guy time", I replied
"Ok I'll let them know and we'll leave in 15 mins.", he said and I nodded and walked out of the room to go get ready.
Andrea's POV.
I don't even wanna leave my room today. I'm so upset and my first ultrasound is gonna be next week and I want Kian to be there but I don't know how we're gonna be then. I mean today was horrible I think it might of been the end of us. Kiandrea.

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