Tomi tried to stop Sid but she was already swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She moved her arm. Her shoulder was sore but it did not need a sling. Doctors were so dramatic. Sid could pop a few painkillers and be good to do her kitchen test tonight at Antoni's on her bum foot.

"Sid, where are you going?"

"I have to go for the job. They're expecting me at seven." Sid's eyes darted around until she spotted a clear bag with her belongings hanging from the back of the bed. She hobbled over and grabbed it from the hook before charging toward the curtains. Just as she pulled them back she ran smack into a woman in a white lab coat.

"Ms. Berry?" She asked. Sidney recoiled like a teenager that had been caught trying to sneak out of their bedroom window to a party.


"Hi, I'm Doctor Sullivan. It looks like you got pretty bruised up. How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Sid was sore all over but did not want to say anything that would keep her there any longer. Tomi threw her a stop lying look. Sid glowered at her.

"Okay. Yes, it all seems like just a little bruising. We had to put your shoulder back in place. Your ankle is a grade one sprain and you got a pretty good bump on your head but you'll be fine."

While the doctor was rolling off a list of Sidney's injuries the double doors to the emergency room swung open as a new patient rolled in. Sid caught a glimpse of the room full of patients waiting outside and beyond them, the glass windows framed a typical street illuminated by lamplight. Sid blinked.

"What time is it? How long have I been here?" Sid asked. She began tearing at the bag with her items in it, searching for her phone. The doctor glanced at the dainty watch on her wrist.

"Half-past eight. You were very intoxicated. Your blood came back at a point thirteen. We let you sleep it off."

Tears welled up in Sid's eyes.

"No, no, no." She murmured as she finally undid the drawstring on the bag. The doctor, not quite understanding why Sid was dissolving in front of her, shot a look over to Tomi who waved her away.

"I'll be prescribing you some pain meds that you can take as needed. The nurse will be back with your discharge papers."

The screen of Sid's phone had a small crack on it. It seemed that nothing had survived the collision without a few bumps and cracks. She pulled up Viv's number and pressed the call button. Maybe if she could just tell her what happened and let her know she was on her way it would be fine.

Your service has been temporarily restricted for nonpayment. Please call customer service or visit your local T-mobile store to restore service.

"Son of a bitch!" Sid shouted. Tomi jumped up and pulled the curtain around the bed to shield them from all the eyes that had turned their way.

"What the hell is going on?" Tomi whispered to Sid as she eased her down onto the bed.

"Where's your phone?"

Tomi handed Sid her phone without question. Sid punched in Viv's number and waited.

"Viv." She answered. Sid sighed with relief.

"Viv, it's me, Sid. I got into an accident right after I left you. I was hit by a cyclist and I'm in the hospital right now."

"Oh my God! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little banged up but I'm fine. I can come in later tonight or tomorrow for the kitchen test."

"Shit! He hired that little asshole when you didn't show up. I'm sorry Sid."

Her lip trembled so violently she thought that it would dislodge and fall clear off her face. Sid didn't say anything so Viv kept on talking.

"I'll tell him about the accident and if anything else opens up you'll be the first person we call. I promise."

Sid mumbled out a thanks before disconnecting the call. She looked at the ceiling. She thought that maybe a pipe burst. That was the only thing that could explain the wetness slicked across her face but when Tomi, soft tissue in hand, began to dab at her face she realized her tears were tumbling out in thick damp drops.

"Talk to me please?" Tomi pleaded with a soft voice.

"I had a job lined up tonight but they hired someone else when I didn't show."

Sid felt low. She felt it through her entire body. Usually, emotions seemed to only happen in her head. The happiness, anger, tiredness, all of it would swirl around in her head. But this feeling, whatever it was, traveled through her whole body and nestled into every curve of it. Despair.

"I'm sorry, Sid but...enough of this. I get that you want to do this on your own but...don't hit me..." Tomi raised her hands in a sign that she was not a threat " have your son to think about."

"He's all I think about, Tomi!" Sid rarely ever raised her voice and even now it barely reached a screaming octave but Tomi knew that from years of friendship Sid was getting hot under her collar.

"Don't yell at me! You're going to let me help you and my Godson. You are going to start working in our Williamsburg spot on Monday. Whatever freaking position you want. I don't wanna hear shit about it either."

Sid balked at Tomi. Her emo, partially wealth depressed, artsy friend was being no holds barred and dare she say...a little hood? Sid said nothing.

"Do you need some cash to hold you over until then?" Tomi asked. Sid knew she had thirty-two dollars and fifty-six cents in her checking account and twelve dollars and twenty-five cents in her purse. She could surely make it a week with that. But her cell phone. She had no landline and that was her only form of communication with everyone.

"My cell phone got turned off." Sid's voice quivered as she said it. It felt nasty and wrong all through her. She hated it. Tomi plucked two crisp one hundred dollar bills from her buttery leather Coach purse and slid it into Sid's scuffed Forever 21 crossbody bag.

"You tell me if you need more."

Sid remained quiet. Mostly because the painful lump of embarrassment in her throat wouldn't allow her to speak. Her entire face was becoming hot. The curtains were pulled back a moment later. A cheery nurse appeared.

"Ready to go home?" She asked Sidney. She was more than ready to be absolutely anywhere but here.

"And I called Whitney and told her what happened."


"And Aiden."

"Tomi!" Sid screeched at her friend who swerved a little bit anticipating a physical attack.

"I thought he should know! Just in case he needed to help more with AJ while you heal."

Sid growled in protest. She didn't want Aiden to think she needed his help with anything. She made a vow a long time ago that she would never put her confidence in him again. And for damn good reason, she thought. She was furious with Tomi for violating that. Sid shot an angry look her friend's way. One good thing was, at least he couldn't blow up her phone right now demanding to know what was going on with her. Thank God for broke miracles.


Sometimes I feel like I'm writing "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events". But real life does seem to pile on and create an avalanche of issues sometimes doesn't it? Take the entire year of our Lord 2020 for example, lol. Still, I hope you guys are enjoying and that you stick around to see if things turn around for Sid once she's had "All She Can Take". ***Insert cheesy soap opera music here***

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