#6 [ONE-SHOT] - Seeking Peace (1/7) - //The weather//

362 17 29

Word count: 1198
Summary: Virgil is upset and Roman is gifted with a quest. 

There's no way back now...
He revealed his secret...
He knows about it...
That look on his face was obvious.

"Logan, are you sure that Virgil is the cause of the windstorm?" Patton inquired with concern in his voice, doubting that his dark strange son would do such a thing.

"Yes Patton, I am certain."

Thoughts were scattering, everything was out of its place and there was nothing, but an enormous mess. However, what tried to organize these thoughts of confusion and indecisiveness was way worse: a windstorm.

People tend to be upset about not knowing why they're either confused or anxious, and Virgil insisted that he would feel even more uncomfortable if he opened up to the others about it. Of course, he was always cautious and astute but this time he.. broke the habit of being simply anxious. He was afraid of his family seeing him in a much different light, and he fairly had enough dose of nervousness on a daily basis.

"Guys, chill." Virgil attempted to reassure the sides with more or less success "It's okay, I'll figure it out, like always."

Unfortunately, the violent sound of landing raindrops on the windows and thunder said otherwise.

"This visual is not exactly realistic but it still can affect Thomas' mental health."

"Try as you might, Microsoft Nerd," the owner of a deep and gallant voice, Roman interrupted "Dr. Do-it-Alone won't ever let us in, you know that."

The confirmation of this idea made Virgil feel even more like a petite dot in the infinite universe and that just worsened the weather outside

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

The confirmation of this idea made Virgil feel even more like a petite dot in the infinite universe and that just worsened the weather outside. Logan frowned in disapproval while trying to keep his cool.

"I'm going to need you to..." he searched for the right vocabulary card "...button it."

"How many of those you've got, teach?"

"Unlike you, my aim is to learn more and more every day."



"Kiddos! Can you stop now?" Patton scolded, trying to calm a trembling Virgil down "You're making this worse."

- -

Five minutes after the events, Virgil's breathing evened out.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Logan.

"I... a bit." Virgil mumbled into his knees as an answer.

"That wasn't convincing at all!" Roman was pacing up and down near the couch.

"Mind coming up with something useful instead?" Virgil remarked sarcastically yet in a judgemental manner. That pacing up and down brought the fury out of him while the bags under his eyes just blackened as he shot a glare at the prince.

Code: PrinxietyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora