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Harry has been working so hard lately. I know that it's really starting to take a toll on him. He was having panic attacks on a daily basis, barely sleeping, and barely eating. He puts way too much pressure on himself.

I've told him time and time again that he needs a break, but I get the same response. A shrug. He just shrugs his shoulders and the conversation ends there. He is so stubborn and it kills me, but I guess I really can't be mad. I am too.

I walk into the living room to see Harry on a Skype call. He looks up, shoots me a quick smile, then he puts all his focus back into the call. To say I was proud of him would be an understatement, but I swear to God if I have to keep putting pants on for these damn Skype calls then I will rage. I may be tiny, but I am a feisty little girl when I'm mad.

Once I saw Harry was on Skype, I walked into the kitchen. I poured two glasses of water, walking one over to him. He mouthed 'thank you' barely removing his eyes from the screen.

"I think we all need the weekend off." I heard Mitch's voice through the computer, "We've been working our asses off taking a couple of days off wouldn't kill anyone." thank you, Mitchell.

"Harry, how do you feel about it?" Jeff spoke up.

Before he could get any words out, I jumped into the screen. "He agrees with Mitch." I could see Sarah and Mitch trying to hold back their laughter.

"That's our girl!" Sarah cheered me on.

"I guess I agree with Mitch." Harry peered out from behind me. I could hear how annoyed he sounded, but he needed a break. I knew he wasn't going to say anything so I'll do it for him.

The call ended a couple of minutes after. They discussed what they would start working on next week, Harry just sat with a blank expression. He's mad at me and he was trying his hardest to not make it obvious.

"Why would you do that? We need to keep working, we are so close to being done." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"You've been saying that for months, Harry. It's always 'we are so close to being done' or 'we just have to finish up these songs.'" I mocked his accent, trying to make him laugh but he wasn't going to crack. "You need a break. You're working yourself to death, and quite frankly I miss spending time with you. I just want a weekend with you. That's all I want, baby." I pouted while I sank into the couch.

Since Harry is always busy, I've discovered what it feels like to be genuinely lonely. This house was too big to stay in it by yourself, and I'm always by myself. Kai has slowed down on photoshoots to give himself a break, so therefore I've slowed down on editing.

"I guess you're right, I do need a break." excuse me, what? I was surprised that he didn't give me his signature shrug. "I always forget that I need to come up for a breath every now and then."

I almost didn't know how to respond to him. The conversation has never gone this far before. What was I supposed to say now? I haven't thought this far ahead.

"Maybe we could do something this weekend." He suggested, throwing his arm over my legs. "We could go for some late night drives and catch up. I feel like I haven't really got to ask you how your day was in a really long time."

"That sounds lovely." I smiled.

He laid his body over mine while I played with his hair. It wasn't long before I heard him snoring, poor thing. Even though I was about to pee all over myself, I let him sleep. He needed his rest.


It was now Saturday morning and I convinced him to go on a jog. He hadn't really had time, and I knew he missed it. Besides, I needed time to pack. I wanted to surprise Harry, give him something to take his mind off everything. He needs to get out of this house, completely away from work.

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