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I had spent the next few days deciding which bodyguard I thought would be best. They all looked so intimidating which I guess is the entire point, but it made me nervous. I finally picked a guy named Hudson Gallaway. He was 6'4 and very strong built. He had dark skin and piercing blue eyes. Out of the six guys I had to choose from, he is the only one to laugh at my jokes so I had to pick him.

Harry had finally decided that it was time that I leave the apartment, so he drug me to the studio. I'm not complaining, but I really liked the comfort of his bed. His sheets were permanently stained with the smell of his cologne.

Harry rested on the couch while I sat on the floor in between his legs, using them as a pillow. I kept my arms wrapped around one of his legs. He ran his fingers through my hair while he talked to everyone about what they thought would be best for the album.

"We only have a couple more songs to record." Harry announced, "I need to record some today, then maybe we can do background vocals later on this evening."

Kid nodded, "I think it's a good idea. We aren't in any rush with this album, we are going to take our time to perfect it." It got silent for a moment while everyone was trying to figure out what should be done next, "Let's get some vocals laid down for sunflower."

Harry raised up on the couch, kissing the top of my head, "Let me up, baby." He patted my back. I peeled myself off his leg.

"Have I heard this song?" I asked while Harry helped me off the ground. He shook his head. "Will I like it?"

He placed a kiss on my forehead, "I hope so."

Not long after Harry went to record, Mitch appeared beside me, "How are you and loverboy?" He asked, making me jump. I laid my hand over my chest as an attempt to calm my heart. "M'Sorry." He apologized through his faint chuckles.

"We are good." I smiled as I looked at Harry, "How are you and Sarah?"

"I spent a couple of days in the dog house, but we are all good now." I chuckled, " So I heard Harry made you get a goon." I furrowed my brows at him.

I had never heard someone refer to a bodyguard as goon unless it was in a movie.

I hummed, "Hudson Gallaway."

"What made you choose him?"

"He laughed at my jokes," I admitted honestly. I looked over to see that Mitch was trying to push back a laugh, but he was failing. "I'm being serious. He's the only one who had a sense of humor and didn't act like they had a stick buried in their ass." He shook his head.

"You know I've never seen Harry that distraught over someone." He admitted, "He would never admit it to me, but you've got him wrapped around your finger. He would follow you to the end of the Earth."

"I don't know about that." Mitch nudged me.

"Have you heard this song?" He asked as he handed me a pair of headphones, "I need you to listen to it."

I slipped the pair of headphones over my ears, Harry's voice carried through, "Sunflower... My eyes want you more than a melody... Let me inside wish I could get to know you..." Immediately I fell in love with the rhythm of this song. This was a song to make you stop and dance wherever you are. "Sunflowers... Sometimes... Keep it sweet in your memory... I was just tongue-tied..."

"This is really good," I told Mitch while we both continued to listen.

"And I don't wanna make you feel bad... But I've been trying hard not to talk to you... My sunflower..." I swayed my body to follow the rhythm of the song while I closed my eyes. I drifted into the song.

"Listen to this part," Mitch said as he gave me that look.

"I couldn't want you anymore... Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor... I couldn't want you anymore tonight..." I looked over to Mitch with a smile pressed to my lips.

I thought back to the night where Harry and I slow danced in my kitchen.

I looked into his eyes and suddenly everything made sense. Being right here in this moment with him, I realized that absolutely nothing else mattered. I placed my hand on the side of his face while he continued to sing the song to me. Harry placed a gentle kiss on my lips before he spun me around.

"I couldn't want you any more than I do right now." He confessed while he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. I noticed the sparkle in his eyes, the same sparkle that appeared whenever he was genuinely happy.

"Do you realize what you've done to his heart?" Mitch said, pulling the headphones off his head. I followed in his actions, "Why do you think I started calling him lover boy? I've known Harry for a couple of years now, and he's never been this star-struck over someone." I felt the color rise up in my cheeks, I dropped my eyes to the floor.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a daydream," I admitted.

"A couple of weeks ago this song was complete. We had all the lyrics completely done then Harry came to us, and said he wrote more lyrics." My eyes watched Harry as he continued to work, "He insisted on adding the lyrics 'I couldn't want you anymore... Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor.. I couldn't want you anymore tonight.' He has never been so persistent."

"One night, he told me that he couldn't want me any more than he did at that moment." Mitch hummed as if he already knew.

"This song was originally about reminiscing on a past relationship, looking back on all the good memories." He looked over to me to read my expression, "Harry has found a way to incorporate pieces of you into every song on this album. I know you haven't heard a few of these songs, but in every single one, there's a piece of you. This album has been Harry's road to recovery, and you've been a key piece in that process."

"I-" I started to speak, but I was cut off by Harry walking over.

I felt his arm hook around my waist as he walked up behind me. "What are you all talking about?" He was so nosy.

"The album," I admitted honestly before Mitch came up with some dumbass answer.

Harry hummed, "Did you like the song?" I nodded with the brightest smile on my face. I could feel the butterflies floating around in my belly whenever he was near me.

"Beautiful just like all the others." He melted into me, burying his face in my shoulder. "How much more do you have to do today?"

"I gotta get the vocals laid down on two more songs then background vocals on three more, so I'll be here for a little while." I nodded, "Are you wanting to go home?" I shook my head.

"Make sure you're drinking a lot of water." I reminded him.

"I'm gonna get back to it, so we can get out of here sooner." He pulled his body off mine and I already missed how he felt. "Mitch, we need you." Harry nodded towards Kid. He kissed my cheek before he disappeared again.

"Wrapped around your finger." Mitch mouthed before he followed behind Harry.

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