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Audrey slept while I played on the piano. She looked so peaceful with her hair covering the pillow, creating a beautiful mess. Her face was plain but I could tell she was completely at peace.

I played random chords, trying my hardest to piece something together.

"Play me something sweet." I heard Audrey's sweet voice fill the air.

Immediately a smile formed on my lips as I spun around.

"What would you like to hear, my sweet girl?" She slowly made her way over to me. My shirt fell to her mid-thigh, my eyes admired her. "I'll play whatever you would like to hear." She hummed as she crawled into my lap.

"Can you play, you are my sunshine?" She asked so innocently.

I nodded. She tried to pull herself out of my lap, but I wouldn't let her, "Let me teach you to play." She looked so shocked whenever I suggested it.

"I-I'm not talented enough." She started to trip over her words. I could see how anxious she was, but I wanted to share this with her.

"Baby," I felt her melt right into me, "please." She immediately gave in to me. I motioned for her to sit in between my legs.

"I'm not going to be any good." She was trying to talk us both out of it, but it wasn't going to work.

"If you're not then we will have a funny story to tell the kids one day." I saw how shocked she was whenever I said that and I'm not going to lie I shocked myself.

"These black keys are called your sharps and flats." She nodded while her eyes ran over the keys. I laid my hands over hers as I started to guide them, "Your left-hand plays the chords while your right plays the melody." She listened eagerly, I could tell she was ready to learn.

"I know all the basics." She reassured me, "My mom used to play and when I was young she begged me to play." I looked at her, shocked, she never told me this before. "I've just never felt talented enough to do anything. I have only been good at photography."

I kissed her shoulder, "I'm going to teach you, and I'm not going to give up on you." She nodded as she leaned back into me, "I'm going to guide you for now." I ran my fingers over hers as we danced across the keys, "You have to sing it." I nudged her to start singing.

I played through the cords once, guiding her hand the entire way. I wanted her to get a feel of each note she would be playing, so I took my time. I wasn't going to rush this and make her any more nervous than she already was.

"You are my sunshine." I could feel how nervous she was, her voice was shaky. I thought her voice was gorgeous.

"My only sunshine," I added as our fingers danced across the keys.

"You make me happy when skies are grey." We sang together, "You'll never know dear how much I love you." We continued to sing. I could see Audrey's smile and it felt like home.

"Please don't take my sunshine away." I sang alone while Audrey continued to melt into me. I kissed her cheek while I wrapped my arms around her side.

you are my sunshine, Audrey Taylor.


Dinner usually consisted of Sarah, Mitch, Audrey, and I but tonight Jeff invited himself over. I didn't know the reason yet, but I knew there was going to be. Jeff never invites himself anywhere unless it's to do with business.

I didn't really feel like talking about business right now. Audrey has just started to get back to her normal self, and I wanted to spend a little bit more time focusing on her.

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