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I woke up next to Harry and I couldn't help but smile. I had shared a bed with him many times before this, but every single time I woke up with a different feeling of euphoria. His curls laid across the pillowcase.

I slowly pulled myself out of the bed, being careful not to wake him. I trudged into the kitchen to see my mother making herself a coffee.

"Morning." I said through my yawn.

"I see Harry stayed all night." She said as she propped herself up against the corner, "I assume everything is going good between you all." I hummed as I got three coffee mugs down. "Did you ever decide to tell him how you felt?"

"I actually did," Her eyes grew wide, "and he told me he felt the same way." I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head at this point.

She gently pushed me, "I can't believe you haven't told me." She scolded me, "You're supposed to keep me up to date on all things Harry Styles." I shook my head at her. She was talking like a teenager.

"Well, I didn't really plan on telling anyone because that's usually when things start to go wrong." She nodded, "I don't think I could handle losing him, so I'm trying my best to take it very, very slow." She chuckled. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I didn't think anything I just said was laughable.

"That boy isn't going anywhere." She reassured me, "You've got him wrapped around your finger." I listened to her ramble as I poured coffee into our mugs. "I can see it in the way he looks at you. I handed a mug to her as she nodded in thanks. "I understand why you're worrying, it's normal, but I genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about." I nodded. She patted my back on her way to her bedroom.

she's right, he is too good.


Harry and I rested on the couch in the studio. I laid my legs over on his. His fingers traced words, lines, and shapes into my thighs as he listened to Mitch slay on the guitar. They hadn't done much today, they've just goofed around.

"Did you ever show her the finished lyrics of that song?" Mitch asked, trying to get under Harry's skin.

"Yes Mitchell, I did." I watched Mitch glare at Harry whenever he used his full first name, "I even told her what it was about."

Mitch's eyes grew wide, about as wide as moms did when I told her about Harry. Harry stuck his tongue out like a three year would do whenever they weren't getting their way.

"I can't believe you called me Mitchell." Mitch cringed as the words poured out of his mouth.

"I can't believe you can be such an ass." Harry retorted. I nudged him with my foot, "M'Sorry Mitch." He immediately apologized.

"You're the ass." Mitch retorted back.

"Mi-" Harry started to say something else.

"Boys stop or I will ground you," I said calmly as I looked back and forth between the two.

Mitch and Harry looked at each other before they both giggled. I rolled my eyes sinking deeper into the couch. Silence fell over the three of us.


"Do you want to grab some coffee?" Harry asked while he lowered the volume of the radio, "There's this cute little shop in LA, I think you'd really like it."

Beachwood Café.

"I could go for some coffee." He nodded before he turned the radio back up.

But I'm just trying to love you
In any kind of way
But I find it hard to love you girl
When you're far away
(Seaside - The Kooks)

"We're here," Harry said as he put the car in park. "I want to warn you before we get out of this car that paparazzi are always here waiting for me. The paparazzi can be ruthless, and I don't want them to bother you. If you want, you can just stay out here." I shook my head.

"I think I can handle it, Harry." I could see the worry on his face. "I promise, I'll be okay." I placed my hand on the side of his face. He closed his eyes as he melted into my hand.

"Wait here." He told me before he climbed out of the car. I watched him walk over to my side of the car to open my door. I smiled as I crawled out of the car. He grabbed my hand before we started towards the café.

Within seconds, cameras were flashing all around us. "Harry, who's the girl?"... "Is she your new girlfriend?"... "What's her name, Harry?"

They kept shouting at him, but he never responded. He kept me pulled in close to him to ensure none of them would grab me. We both kept our heads down until we got into the café.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, I shook my head as I ran the pad of my thumb over his hand. "Would you find us a table?" He motioned his head towards the tables in the corner. I looked around for a table that wasn't directly by a window, so he could have a little bit of privacy.

Moments later, Harry greeted me at the table with two coffees. I thanked him as I took my coffee from his hand.

"This place is really cute, I like it here," I told him while my eyes scanned over the café once more.

"I usually come here to write." He said before he took a sip of his coffee. "Before I forget, I have to go back home for a couple of weeks." I furrowed my brows at him, "My mum has been begging me to come to see her for a while now, and I have a little bit of free time so I figured I could."

"Where are you from, Styles?" I asked.

"Holmes Chapel." He smiled as he recalled his hometown, "It's lovely over there. You'll have to come with me one time."

"I would like that." He played with the rings on his fingers, "I think it'll be good for you to go home, I know it must be hard being so far away from your family all the time." He nodded as he tried to hide the frown on his face, "I'll miss you Styles." I said as I laid my hand over his.

"I'll miss you, love." He smiled before he laid his other hand over mine.

what am I going to do without you for two weeks?

adore you // [h.s]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin