"No, it's okay." She reassured me while she moved my hand back to its original place, "It just took me by surprise, M'Sorry." I noticed how embarrassed she looked.

I traced her skin with the pad of my thumb, "Close your eyes." I said.

Audrey didn't ask questions, she closed her eyes. I could see a smile trying to appear on her face, but she was fighting it. She kept rocking back and forth in her seat with anticipation.

"We're almost there, sweet girl." I cooed as I pulled into a parking spot.

I climbed out of the car without saying anything, "Harry, where are you going? Did you bring me somewhere to kill me?" I hummed as I opened her car door.

I grabbed my hand from her lap, helping her out of the car. "How'd you know?" She laughed very nervously while she tried to decipher if I was joking or not. "Okay, you can open your eyes."

I watched a bright smile appear on her face as her eyes landed on the gates. She placed her hands on the side of her face as if she was overwhelmed. She stood there in shock for a minute before she jumped into my arms.

Thank you." She whispered into my neck before I sat her back down on the ground. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.


Her eyes were glued to every single piece of art that we came across. She was fascinated by all of it but I was fascinated by her.

"Starry Night." She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the painting. "This is one of my favorite paintings, I actually repainted it. My mom has it hanging in her bedroom." I half-smiled while I admired her.

"I thought you said you weren't talented enough for anything other than photography?" She looked a bit shocked that I would remember such a tiny detail, but I always remember everything she told me. Well, I tried to at least.

"I'm not that good at art, but it's just something I've always been passionate about." She shrugged.

"Well, I can name a couple of things that you're good at." She furrowed her brows in disbelief, "You're good at photography, singing, making cookies, making me smile, encouraging the people around you, and evidently painting. The list just keeps going on and on." She just shook her head.

I would never be able to understand why Audrey couldn't see anything beautiful about herself. Sometimes I wish I could let her see herself through my eyes, then she would realize just how lovely that she is.

I laced our fingers together while we continued to stare at Starry Night. I kept stealing glanced at Audrey, continuing to admire that little sparkle in her eyes.

"Did you know that this was the view from Van Gogh's asylum room?" I shook my head. "Right before the sunrise, he painted this." The sparkle in her eyes started to shine a little bit brighter.

"You're such an art geek." I teased while I nudged her with my elbow.

She hummed, but I could see that she was blushing. She kept her eyes on the painting to avoid making any eye contact with me, "It's probably a big turn off, isn't it?"

"It's very beautiful actually." I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her into my grip. I kissed the side of her head. "I think it's very fascinating," I assured her.

We pulled our bodies apart, lacing our fingers together again. My eyes scanned over all the art hanging on the walls, placed evenly apart. I searched for a painting that we have yet to admire.

"Tell me what you know about this one." I pulled her to the next piece of art.

She smiled while her eyes examined the painting, "It's called 'The Clouds

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She smiled while her eyes examined the painting, "It's called 'The Clouds.'" We walked closer while she kept telling more about this piece. "It's from a series of paintings by Monet called 'Waterlilies." There are three paintings in the series: the clouds, setting sun, reflections of clouds on the water-lily pond."

Audrey paused for a minute before she looked at me, "Monet painted most of this series while suffering from cataracts." I raised my eyebrows at her.

I was genuinely amazed at how much she knew about all of these paintings. Maybe it was basic knowledge and I just was too stupid to know it. I just feel like the average human being couldn't pull that information out of their ass.

"That's kind of impressive." I complimented her before I grabbed her head, "Where do you store all this amazing information and how do I access it?" I moved her head around as if I was examining it which made her giggle.

"You're such a goof." She nudged me before she wrapped her arms around me.

We continued to walk around the art museum for hours without even realizing it, it only felt like minutes had passed. I continued to make Audrey spill all the information she knew about each piece. I was still left standing in awe while she spilled every single detail. I'm falling more in love with you by the minute.

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