5. Sonny :: Am I Broken? Am I Flawed?

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Eurie: Hi guys, I'm back. So I have a couple of quick things to mention before we get into the story.
1. I will be continuing to write this story. I understand a lot of people no longer are writing or reading about Roadtrip. But to be honest, not many people read this story anyway so what do I have to lose, lmao. I still write about One Direction even though they're on an indefinite "hiatus". I still support everyone in Roadtrip just as much as I did before. That being said, most of my stories are probably gonna take place before everything went down. Like this one you're about to read will take place in January of 2020. I also most likely won't be including Blair at all in my stories anymore and if I do, he's going to be a very minor character. I am a bit suspicious of him and therefore don't want to make him a protagonist in my story. However, making him a villain is also uncalled for. Therefore, I just won't include him
2. This one shot is about a rape. It's not a happy thing to read. The actual act won't be written in full detail. But if you are sensitive to the topic, take precautions.
3. I might right a part 2 of this. Let me know if you'd like to see that
4. I hope you've been taking time to research and understand the Black Lives Movement. If you are protesting, you have my full support. Stay safe.

Trigger Warning: Mentioned raped

Rye and Sonny had their eyes locked onto the tv screen as the virtual avatars ran back and forth along the soccer field. Andy was in the same room, however, his attention was solely on his guitar while he waited for his turn to snatch the remote from one of his friend's grip. With the way the match was going, that person would most likely be Sonny.

The boy was barely all present in the room. He had a distant or dazed look that neither boy could quite understand. In fact, he's had a similar stature for the past two or so days. He didn't have the same energy they were used to. It almost felt like he just didn't care anymore. Brooke and Andy talked about it yesterday briefly.

Brooke was, and still is slightly, worried that Sonny may be on the verge of wanting to leave the band. Andy reassured him, guaranteeing he knew Sonny like he knew his mum and he knew Sonny wasn't about to give up this opportunity. But Andy saw the lack of interest in Sonny's eyes in everything the boy did. He was getting concerned.

But it's only been two days. There's hope it's just a mood swing. That's why he made an effort to glue himself to the curly haired lad. It felt as if he was one of those Steve Irwin types, observing animals from afar and occasionally poking it with a stick.

Of course, spectating only goes so far. When Rye's girlfriend aggressively threw the door open, she was prepared to unleash a can of worms. They could feel the anger radiating off of her, before she even said anything.

"Babe, whatever it is I did, can we discuss it after I finish completely destroying Sonny?" But Honor was in flames. She marched right over to where their attention was directed at and positioned herself square in front of the tv.

"Why the hell did you break up with Hannah?" She was cut off by his two friend's throwing questioning words at Sonny because they knew nothing of his new relationship status. She quickly resumed her rant, ignoring the boys. Her eyes glared daggers. "There was no warning for the girl. She told me you two were making out and then you just shoved her off and ended things. Who does that?"

"Hold on," Andy interjected. "There's got to be some sort of reason. I haven't seen Sonny this in love with someone in a long time."

"There isn't. I broke up with her," was the cold sounding, blunt response Sonny gave.

"I don't believe that-" Andy began. They all see the way Sonny interacts with Hannah. He has given his entire heart to her. He adores her as much as she does him.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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