4. Andy :: Was There Something I Could've Said To Make Your Heart Beat Better?

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Eurie: I will not be taking a side in this fic. It is mostly from Andy's view under the assumption he doesn't know that much because I don't want to make any assumptions as to what has happened. I really don't know what's going to happen. But I can say this: don't pick a side. We do not have all the information and there's no logical way for us to be able to deduce what happened. It's a mess, I know. For now, just try to stay positive and if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here. I hope this will at least entertain you, even if it isn't a solution by any means. This story is mainly just Andy being the dad of the band and frustrated at his kids xD

Self quarantining with his mum was an adventure of its own because Andy was bored. All the time. His mum was his best friend, don't get him wrong. She was his whole world because it's been just him and her for so long. But he'd become accustomed to the absolute chaos that engulfed any house the Roadtrip boys marked as their own. He didn't realize how much he missed that madness.

Most of his activities involved winning various card games against his mother, which was a nice raise for his self esteem, and strumming a tune on his guitar. He's actually gotten to writing a couple of sparse lyrics. He had actually played a set for Jack the other day on the phone.

The Irish lad had his own song he'd be sharing with the world in a couple of days and wanted to play it for the blonde, who he saw as not only a friend, but a mentor of sorts. Andy was older than Jack and definitely filled with much more knowledge in music theory than he was. Getting a seal of approval from Andy was a confidence boost. In turn, he lent his voice instinctively and added a lower harmony without even realizing he started to hum.

He'd been doing his best to keep up with what's happening in the outside world with all his friends who he couldn't see. Multiple times, he's had to yell at various members for either messing with his room or wearing his clothes. For some reason, his friends had an obsession with his clothes and he didn't appreciate it. He saw Alex wearing his beanie on one of the vlogs and immediately went to his Instagram dms and demanded he get the beanie off, forever.

Andy also has been calling Sonny once a day to check up on the boy after the loss of his grandparents, offer a shoulder incase it was needed. Now none of them were very overly emotional. But he'd gotten a ring a few times when the memories had become too much for Sonny.

"Andy," his mother's voice broke through and cut him out of the zone he had been wrapped up in, his entire attention previously on the guitar in hand. "Go take your guitar outside. Get some air, boy." This was a common request of hers simply because he rarely left the house. Reminded him of when he was a boy who spend a whole lot of his time in his room playing various video games or hunched over his guitar. Some things never change.

. . .

When Andy reminisced and said he missed the madness, this was not what he meant. Now, he knew there was a lot that went on in the house that his bandmates were keeping from him simply because they didn't want the distant boy to worry from home. But he didn't expect everything to fall apart overnight. He felt like a fan viewing what was posted on the band account for the first time because he had no context other than what was in that black square.

Andy switched from Instagram to his contacts. The phone rung twice before a somewhat guilty sounding voice gave a greeting on the other line.

"What the hell, Brook?" was what Andy said in place of the hello he normally gave. He didn't even give Brook time to speak because first, he wanted to say his piece. "We don't just put this kind of thing online for the fans to freak out about." The younger boy had been in the band almost as long as he had. Brook should've known better than to act so rash.

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