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Cassandra across from Nick Fury, her boss, tapping her boot against the carpet, waiting for him to say something. He blinked at her with one eye, and she stopping tapping.

"How do you feel about the Avengers Initiative?"
"I don't know what that is sir."

Fury slid a manila folder at her, and she caught it, opening it, and taking the picture of her out. She wrinkled her nose at the confused expression on her face, the picture dated back to maybe 1961. She never aged, so she didn't really ever have to switch out ID pictures.

"A group of remarkable people, so far, we only have six members, and that's a good number, don't you think?"
"Who's in it?" She asked, with a curious tone of voice.
"You, Agent Barton, Agent Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Captain Steve Rogers."

She dropped the folder into her lap suddenly.



Cassandra walked carefully into the gym, looking around for the man with blonde hair, just like she remembered. Cassandra flinched when he blasted the punching bag off the chain, sending it flying across the room. Sand spilled everywhere, and Cassandra slowly stepped closer.

"Steve?" Cassandra said quietly.

Steve jumped, clutching his chest, he looked like he'd seen a ghost, which he probably thought he did.

"Lucy? Lucy is that you?"
"Not Lucy, Cassandra."
"My name is Cassandra. Cassandra, Cassandra Barnes." The last part of the sentence was quiet.
"Barnes? Like Bucky?"
"Yeah, we're siblings."
"You lied to me."
"I had to, I didn't have a choice."
"You lied to all of us!"
"Steve, I didn't have a choice!"

Steve walked up to her angrily, and sized her up, which was easy because he was significantly taller than she was. She didn't look afraid, she looked much more defensive than she already was. She showed no emotion on her face, keeping herself completely blank, she didn't really even move.

"Were you spying on us?"
"Depends on how you're going to react."
"I can't believe you. You make me sick."
"I seem to have that effect on people."
"You were our friend, our teammate, and you lied."
"Steve, nothing you say has the ability make any mark on me. Because I've already said it all to myself."
"Why are you even here?"
"S.H.I.E.L.D needs your help. But if you don't want to come, that's understandable. I wouldn't want to be on a team with a liar either." Cassandra said with venom in her voice.

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