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Alyseca: *busts down the door with her Minho's phone in her hand* MATHEW CASTANO!

Mathew: *looks up with genuine fear in his eyes* Chicle? 

Alyseca: *barges into the living room where he is sitting and shoves Minho's phone into his face* Look at this! *clearly concerned* 

Minho: *sixteen and blushing hard* Mama! *runs into the room and stops in his tracks and pales* 

Mathew: *puts his head back because the phone is too close for his eyes to focus* What is- *widens his eyes and looks at his son* Mierda. 

Alyseca: *runs into another room and reacts how Collette thinks she would react* 

Mathew: *clears his throat and begins walking towards Minho* So.

Minho: *swallows* Did you see it?

Mathew: *nods with his mouth in a thin line* Do you mean it? 

Minho: *dark red* 

Mathew: *sighs and sits down on the couch* How long have you two been dating?

Minho: *standing awkwardly* A month. 


Minho: *sitting up on his bed with his hands gripping his phone* I don't know!

Alyseca: *raises eyebrows* What are you hiding from me, Minho (middle name) Castano?

Minho: *avoiding eye contact* N o t h i n g. 

Alyseca: *squints her eyes* 

Alyseca: Fine. *stands up and holds out her hand* Phone. 

Minho: *pale as heck* W-why?

Alyseca: If you have nothing to hide, then give me your phone. 

Minho: *hardly breathing, he hands it to her* 

Alyseca: *turns it on* What's the password?

Minho: *tells her the password* 

Alyseca: *unlocks the phone and struggles to not fangirl* 

Alyseca: *walks out* 


Minho: A month.

Mathew: *surprised* Wow. *nods and takes a deep breath* You said you loved her after only a month. 

Minho: *wishing he was anywhere but there* 

Mathew: That was longer than me and your mother.

Minho: wait what *not what he expected his father to say* 

Mathew: *leans forward with his elbows on his knees* Si. I realized I cared about her before we even started dating, and Aunt Cookie told me she loved me, and Uncle Daniel *chuckles slightly* He told her that I liked her.

Minho: *mumbles* Great friends. *chuckles with his father* 

Mathew: *smiling* Maybe, but I don't know how long it would have taken us if it hadn't been for those two. 

Minho: *silence* 

Mathew: *silence* 

Minho: *silence* 

Mathew: *silence* 

Mathew: Do you love her?

Minho: *blinks* 

Minho: *sighs and scratches the back of his neck* I mean...

The Gang: Featuring Sai's PersonalitiesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat