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Mathew: What were you told to say?

Daniel: I don't even know. *sits on his own bed* 

Mathew: interesante.

Daniel: *awkward*


Random Reader: Uh...

TheAuther: I know. 

Random Reader: What's going on with the font/color?

TheAuthor: I have no clue. 

Random Reader: Alright. . . 


Daniel: Great chat. *stands up* 

Mathew: Indeed. *stands up and begins walking towards the door* 

Daniel: *gets a text from Cookie* 

Cookie's Text: Ask him about who he was thinking about earlier!!!!!

Daniel: *mumbles something* 

Mathew: *looks at him and raises an eyebrow* Lo siento?

Daniel: *insert reaction here* 

The Gang: Featuring Sai's Personalitiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें