3|Our Story Begins

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The first thing I fell in love with was your personality and that smile. The teeth that line your mouth are neatly placed by God and every time you smile, I admire them. I adore you physically and mentally as I hold you and speak words of soft affection in your ear.

All I speak is love when I'm around you, and all you do is blush when I speak. You feel my love and it shows every time you look at me. I see you every day, but it's like until we're actually living together I don't get enough of you.

This is some sort of rare love that only you and I can have together. It's like there's a doorway of happiness and we've found it and kept it to ourselves thus far. You're truly something else and I appreciate you in good times and bad. I'll never let you go no matter what and I had always meant it from the first day I've said it to you.

There's no way that I can leave the best thing that can ever happen to me, even if I tried. It's just a matter of principle to me and I believe only a fool would go against principle. You've been so good to me thus far and there's no way that I can even think of going back to my assassin.

The warm genuine way you are with me and the way you make me smile is something rare in today's society. I'll peach it to anyone, so if you have it, then don't mess up the relationship, because I promise you that you'll never have another like it again in your whole entire life.

These genuine people are released from heaven at a certain point in your life and it's up to you to decipher their intentions as you'll think of them as ambiguous individuals. In your mind you'll be thinking, "Why is this person so nice to me?" or "This person is going to hurt me!"

You've been hurt so many times that you don't know the difference between the two, but sometimes you just have to follow your gut feeling and let it lead you so that your heart can benefit from the outcome.

Who's to say you do or don't deserve to be happy when we're all in control of our own lives. We are the councilors of our own happiness and the outcome we experience will be known as our destiny. This is the reason we try our best to do good for the duration of our lives, but sometimes we slip through the cracks of aggression before most of us find our way back to the path of righteousness.

My heart is one that cannot pretend since the manipulation of others is excluded from my jeans. What you get is what it really is. No matter how much you wait and watch my movements or the way I carry about myself, you can always assume I'm too good to be true, but never say that I'm deceitful.

Our love is one that can be admired from afar, such as a flower in all its beauty. If you truly love a flower you won't pick it, but you'll admire it. If by some miraculous decision, you actually pick and squander the beauty of the flower for yourself, then said beauty would diminish indefinitely.

So is the case with our relationship and the understanding I have toward it. We're blessed in every way possible and we've learned from prior relationships the dos and don'ts of successful love.

Everything thus far is a breath of fresh air and the dangerous level of toxicity in both our systems has quickly depleted. We've quickly recuperated from our states of depression and every God-given day is greeted with a good morning text and ended with a love you baby message.

Nothing genuine can be tarnished and nothing meaningful can be taken away. Always leave room for disappointment and love as if today was your last day on earth. No matter what or who comes along, I'm confident in my heart that we'll weather the storm and face our demons together as a couple.

There's no reason in heaven to go back to our past lives since our future is blessed and highly favored. The most high has opened new doors and corridors to which we may be able to traverse, but we must first finalize and get rid of the remnants of past demons in our lives.

Since we're both legally married to someone else, there are always complications —such as someone on the other side who thinks that if they can't have you, they have all rights to end your life, so that no one else can acquire the love they know you give.

Until legally divorced, we have to traverse carefully, similar to walking bare feet on broken glass. We can't be seen together too much in public or persons will start to assume what is of noway their business.

If we are to be out in public—especially during this pandemic period, we would have to traverse out of our comfort zone in the South and migrate temporarily to the East or North of the country. At least this way, we'll get used to the area and experience the different landscapes and a cleaner atmosphere than we're used to.

Thus far, we're at peace with each other and the world, camouflaged in our regular state as the rest of the world. There are only a few individuals that know our secret love affair and these are the people we still confide very little information with.

After all, we won't want any disagreement or slipping of the tongue around the snakes and vile spirits of the world. They wait to pounce on any new juicy information that they can use to make our lives miserable since misery loves company. Being careful has never been so important, but I believe that we are fully capable and responsible adults that can rise to the occasion.

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