Chapter 36

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Marinettes pov:
Just before chats attack:
"Why won't chat let me do anything." I  complain to carapace, or as I now know, nino.
"Sorry marinette, but I'm just following chats orders." I pout at his pathetic explanation. "He just doesn't want you to get hurt, he cares a lot about you. And I think I understand why. You seem like a very loveable person." I look at him from the backseat of the car, he's driving. I'll admit, hearing that would have made me feel better if I didn't know he was lying straight to my face, he knows exactly who I am. "Thanks." Is all I can mutter out bitterly.
As we arrive at the house, I let myself in and crawl onto the couch, I'm by myself as Kim is with chat. "With chats orders, I'm giving you this so you can contact him from his baton." I blink at the small flip phone. "Don't think of trying to call anyone else as it won't let you, and will send an alert to me, Kim and chat." He warns me. All I do is glare at him, "take it." He wiggles it in front of my face and I gently take the phone, placing it on the coffee table in front of me."Merci," he finally smiles at me, "no problem, I have to go now, see you soon." He waves and leaves, then I'm finally left alone in the house. Because of my early waking, I decide to put on a movie and hope to just take a quick nap, so I grab the remote and start flicking through the movies chat has on his tv. From the looks of it it's mainly Kim's movies, i find it funny how Kim stands up to chat, although he's older chat noir is stronger. I finally find a movie, "hmmmmm," I mutter out loud clicking it, titled Area 51, and soon enough I'm falling asleep watching teenagers break into an air field.

Chats pov:
Time of the attack:
I can see the other gang below, their moving around. How stupid, such a simple mistake and now we have them surrounded. King monkey and Pegasus are about 50 metres to my right, viperion and carapace next to me.
As I'm watching our final group of people get in place the gang below us starts shouting and charging towards where around 20 of my people are, "now!" I yell at the top of my lungs, and all in a few seconds the place around the Eiffel Tower are swarmed with people attacking others.

Lilas pov:
The phone I've snuck in is vibrating in my bra,
"Thankyou lila for all you've helped us with this past week, thanks to you if my plan goes accordingly Paris will be safe from chat noir." Ladybug says smiling at me, "I will be back as soon as I can but I've got word that the two gangs have already gone into action so I'll talk to you later. Stay safe." She says speed walking out of the room I'm being kept in.
Just before the phone stops vibrating I wip it out and answer, "lila here, who is it?" I snap. "It's me, marinettes been moved and we're not entirely sure where." A distorted voice comes from the opposite line, "that's fine, I'll find her myself when the time is right." I say hanging up, "tsk tsk tsk." I say out loud talking to myself, "your plans already failed ladybug." I laugh, although I'm helping her I still despise her, always so nice and heroic, it makes me feel sick.

rena rouges pov:
I'm watching as the battle has started, chat is taking on more than 2 other people and is what looks like winning. He's strong and cunning, he's dangerous and a huge threat to all of Paris. All I pray is he hasn't done anything to marinette, I know she's still alive but we have no idea what condition and I have to believe she's okay, because I don't think I could handle it if something bad happened.
As the rage moves on about half of the opposing gang has fallen and are retreating. There's blood everywhere and chats pinned down the leader of the opposite gang. The fighting goes on as it looks like their talking, I think for the first time ever I see fear flash across his face, but in a second it's gone and I wonder if it was ever there in the first place.
Everyone stops as chat calls out loudly "cataclysm!" And it takes everyone by surprise as chat brutally slashes him open and he becomes incrusted in black ash and dies. "Holy shit.." queen bee/ chloe says beside me and absolute panic sets into the crowd as everyone but the cataclysmics run away screaming. "What just happened" I say in disbelief, "did chat just murder him?" Chloé asks me. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief, as I look back chats disappeared "fuck. Where's chat?" I yell and jump out as king monkey jumps in front of me.
His eyes widen as he realises and he slips in surprise as chloe, without hesitation, calls out  "venom!," and she paralyses him.

Marinettes pov:
After Kim's capture:
I wake up to the tv at the end of the credits to the movie I was watching, it's pitch black everywhere else and I'm fully alert as I hear an owl outside, which spooked me.
As I'm looking around the dark house I see a door I've yet to venture into. I've always hated basements, and avoid them mostly. I'm feeling adventurous so why shouldn't I go take a look? I think to myself and off I go.
Turning on the light it has a staircase only a couple steps down, and lights that go from the roof down and around 2 corners. So I venture through the doorway.

Chats pov:
Just before the gangs victory:
"You and your gang, rule here no more." I growl in victory, a smug look across my face. "Take this place then. we will just get it back when you bargain with us." He smiles back, with my hand against his throat, holding him down. "And why would I ever need to bargain with low lives like you." His smile just widens as he speaks,
"Words got out chat, you got a defensless little pet at your home. Some of my very close men are tracking her as we speak. If we find her before you get back you might not want to see her after we've finished." It feels like all the breath has been stolen from my lungs as my eyes widen.
"Marinette.." I whisper in disbelief, the man beneath me see's and hears my surprise. "So her names marinette is it? Pretty name, it's a shame I won't get to see her." He smirks. "Fuck you." I lightly whisper, "what did you say little cat?" He asks mockingly. "CATACLYSM!" I yell and see the shock on his face as I tear my clawed hand down his throat and through his chest and stomach. Blood starts pouring out as he turns to ashes beneath me, Then the other gang starts yelling as panic sets in them.
Their leader dead

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