Chapter 13

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Stephanie's POV:
Then I spot a secondary person step out and it is the all too familiar red, blue and black suit of Spider-Man. Why the hell are they coming out of Peter and Neds room. Wouldn't they want to keep it a secret they are here so why are they using a main exit and not sneaking out of the building. It makes no sense well to me anyway. Although I want to know what is up. I'm going to follow them to wherever they are going.

I go to follow them but the ringing of my phone alerts them to my presence so I pick it up and respond by saying "hello" the response I'm given is not one that is a highly good one though " hello to you to daughter did you forget to call me to say that you were fine after an attack. It's all over the news. You are all over the news. You have to get back here right away. You just discovered a power and most probably can't control it. Look can you please speak because I need to know if you are ok that's all that matters at the moment." Of course dad has the worst timing then again that's normal and typical. Looks like I will need to be on the phone and follow let's see how this goes.

"Dad I'm sorry that I haven't called you before now. Yes I'm fine, I'm all in one piece. And the powers haven't shown just randomly but I don't know whether that is weird or not. No I am not going home. I am going to stay on this trip. Besides I think the teachers are capable enough whether the trip needs to be cancelled or not. Also do I get a congratulations for beating a monster made out of water and saving a city." I smirk knowing that I won't get a congratulations but more of a scolding of not staying safe but he can't expect me to do that he should know that I inherited the need to always help and protect from both him and mum. Finally I hear response after a heavy sigh "fine you can stay there but if anything else happens you are coming home. I'm happy you used the suit. And I don't think you need anymore congratulations I think the news did that. Saviour. Now you need to get sleep so goodnight." He hangs up before I get to say bye I mean that's good for me because fury and Spider-Man just got into a boat. Really couldn't of made this easy for me. I slip my phone into my pocket and double tap my bracelet. Looks like I'm going swimming. Wait if I can control water maybe I can propel myself forward in the water without actual swimming.

I concentrate on focusing energy coming from the palms of my hands as my arms lay beside my torso with my hands at a 90 degree angle to my body and arms. Soon I'm moving through the water at a similar pace to the boat. They stop at a cave. Of course they have a base here. They have a base everywhere. As I come out of the water and manage to stay in the shadows I hear Fury's voice "everybody here knows who you are there is no point parading around in spandex." This point u believe is the perfect time to come out of the shadows and make myself known "actually one person doesn't know who you are." This seems to catch everybody's attention as they all face me. Fury being Fury "how the fuck did you get in here. Actually I need you here for this. You are the one who stopped that water monster. Might I just ask who are you." Ok I'm scared why does he need me it's not like I'm a superhero or anything. "Well Nick Fury I followed you here when you brought Spider-Man, why do you supposedly need me and I'm not telling you my identity and I'm not a superhero today was my first time so I don't have a superhero name." He looks towards a lady that resembles somebody named Maria Hill that my dad described yo me.

Fury of course responds to me "well I need you and Spider-Man here to help Quentin Beck in destroying these so called elementals. You fought one today and you won, I'm sure you could beat another one together again given proper time and preparation. Why don't you give them run down Beck and properly introduce yourself." The man who has the same suit on from earlier in the day speaks up but this time I can see his face. "I have faced the elementals before on my earth. They wrecked havoc we beat every one except fire. He was the strongest of them all. Now my earth is destroyed and they are planning on doing the same to yours. They seem to target the same places as they did on my earth so far three of the four elements has been defeated and only fire is left. I need your guys help to defeat him."

Spider-Man and I speak up at the same time "wait so the multiverse is real. This would change our understanding of reality. Also if you don't mind me asking a Beck, how did you manage to break through the dimensional barrier between our two earths." As we look around everyone in the room doesn't know what we are talking about and do we both say " sorry." How is it possible that we are both speaking at the same time so we look at each other wide eyed "never apologise for being the smartest people in the room." This was Quentin Beck so he is not going to answer our question, rude much. Ah well moving on Spider-Man is confronting Nick Fury. He doesn't want to do this he is meant to be on holidays. So he starts listing avengers to see why they can't do it and Fury lists the reasons why they can't. Jeez everyone is busy. The only one I really listen to is my dad's. Fury says "that he has personal reasons that haven't been disclosed to you at this point in time." Ok so Fury knows that I exist and it seems that everyone knows about caps daughter besides Spider-Man and Beck because they look surprised to hear that. The next thing is he tries to play the I'm just a neighbourhood Spider-Man. I mean that's true besides leaving out the part that he has been to space. I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as a neighbourhood. Anyway what perks up my interest is what is said next "look if people realise Spider-Man shows up in Europe knowing he normally is in Queens after the Washington monument disaster my friends will surely know that I am Spider-Man because it's happened on two trips with them that I have suddenly disappeared on." Wait a second the only person who disappeared from our school group was Peter. I voice " wait Peter?" In a questioning tone. I got my answer when he turns around because he responded to me calling him that. Peter is Spider-Man. That is his big secret. Wait a second, dad said he knew someone from school, he knows Spider-Man and Peter is Spider-Man so he must know his identity. Why didn't dad just tell me. This is frustrating because I don't want this Beck character to know who I am purely because I feel something is off with him.

My question is answered by him as he takes his mask off and I see the face of my best friend. He gives me a look that asks me how do I know him I mouth later. I will show him who I am because I know he can be trusted. Although when we get back I will have to bring him to 'meet' my dad. He is going to shit his pants. For now I won't let him know who my parents are I think that mystery is good for now.

I leave with him on the boat that fury brought him in on. He speaks up now that we are alone probably knowing I wouldn't reveal myself any other way "so how do you know me, do I know you somehow." I double tap my bracelet and respond with "yea I think we do know each other. Actually I think we are really good friends of nog best friends." I look at his face and giggle slightly as if is one that has his mouth hung open to the point his jaw could reach the bottom of the ocean. Finally his speech is back "Stephanie? How, when." So I reply honestly " well you see I was tested on by HYDRA and was given certain abilities although I don't know what they are, the water control was the first one I have been able to develop so far that I haven't known I had for majority of my life."

There is no time for him to speak after that for we are at the hotel and so I must separate from him and go to my bedroom. Hopefully later we can talk about this later.

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