Chapter 7

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Stephanie's POV:

He extends his hand "hi my name is Peter Parker it's nice to meet you." I take his hand giving it a shake "my name is Stephanie Carter and it is nice to meet you as well."

He speaks up again "would you mind if I take a look at your timetable (so I give him my sheet of paper with my classes to which he gives back to me after a glance.) well we have all classes together and we should probably get to class considering we are very late as it is, luckily we got late slips from Mr Davis so we don't get detention or in trouble me for being late." I only give him a nod and a small smile to suggest that I support his decision.

Quickly he grabs my hand and starts running through the hallway. He has a strong grip and is fast. Geez his muscle definition must be really well hidden or it doesn't show his full strength because even with my inherited super serum I can feel it although I can't as much as a normal human would.

Soon we arrive at the classroom. But even though we have stopped running and Peter doesn't need to guide me anymore because we have arrived at our destination. Our hands are still entwined. I look down and feel my cheeks heat up. Wow I just moved here I need to calm down. I can't have a relationship other than friendship with him at the moment. I feel his stare on me and I know he is wondering what I am looking at so he looks at our entwined hands as I look up at his face and catch his blush as he releases my hand from his hold before going into the classroom.

Skip to lunch

I'm so glad that I did schooling with Howard back when I was younger because if I hadn't I would not know anything about atoms, balancing equations, calculus, Newton's laws as well as the measurement of moles and those calculations.

Maths and the sciences have changed dramatically in what they learn at school. Although I am still ahead of the people in my class but not by much I believe at the end of the year I will be equal to everyone in the year. Which is a scary thought because I use to be years ahead of my peers with Howard.

Walking into the Cafeteria I already have my lunches packed thanks to my dad. Also I don't really trust the food from schools. I mean I've only seen the food in movies and it's always depicted as unappetising and disgusting. I soon spot Peter sitting with a kid who is shorter and larger in size and has brown hair and eyes. He also has a darker skin tone. I walk straight to Peter's table with no pit stops no matter how many people have tried to get my attention I just ignore them. I know it's rude but so would you if you only knew one person in the entire school.

Before I take a seat I do the polite thing and ask whether I can join them of course the answer is yes. The one sitting next to Peter speaks up "my name is Ned, I'm Peters best friend. What's your name, what school did you go to before here, why did you change schools like did you move or something, oh and you are really smart. I saw that you knew all the answers to the questions that were asked in classes today. You could join the decathalon team I'm sure that they would welcome you with open arms. Maybe you can knock Peter off of his number 1 placing in everything or just a couple of subjects." Ok so Peter is smart actually it looks like the smartest person in the school. Maybe we should start a study group or something like that. What even is a decathalon. So I start to answer his questions. "My name is Stephanie Carter. I was actually homeschooled before coming here. I have recently moved in with my dad, you see I lived with my mum prior and she has passed away recently and it was her friend that homeschooled me. The only reason why I knew the answers was because my mums friend decided it was a good idea to teach me things ahead of time. What's a decathalon team may I ask." Peter is the one to jump in and answer this question "well a decathalon team is filled with people who can answer questions within a quick time frame that normally people our age would have difficulty answering or it would take them awhile. Also I'm really sorry for your loss I know what it's like to lose a parent as well as a parent figure. You must be going through a rough time. I can tell you it does get better with time, but you have to allow yourself to move on." I am very thankful that Peter shared that information with me, because it does take a toll on you. Also from Peters expression I know at least one of them was recent. "I think I will see what this decathalon team is about when the meeting is on, when is the meeting on." I question. Ned instantly speaks up "the practice is on every day after school in the auditorium. We should probably start to go to our lockers now it's near the end of lunch."

With that said I combine my garbage, wait garbage. When did I even start eating. Anyway as we walk out into the corridor and spot this sign that says school trip to Europe. Wow I would love to go. I mean it's a once in a lifetime opportunity I know dad would never say yes right away but I could always talk him into it. I walk up to the teacher that is standing behind the desk with what seems to be permission notes for the trip. "Hello sir, I was wondering whether I could have a permission note to go to Europe I promise that I will have back to you by tomorrow and not a day later if I'm allowed to go or not." He replies with "I'm sorry but the due date to have them back is today and it has been open for you to get one for months so it's your fault that you have left it this late to get one." Well he obviously can't recognise that I'm the new student so I guess I'll have to tell him. "Sir I couldn't have possibly gotten one you see it is my first day here at Midtown, so how was I suppose to get a permission note about something I didn't even know about until five minutes ago." He just smiles and says "well if that's the case, first I want to say welcome to Midtown High and secondly I guess we can make a little exception due to the fact it is your first day here just remember to give me the note tomorrow I will be here in this exact spot for you tomorrow morning."

Now all that's left is to convince my dad . No big deal right?

Skip to gym class.

Right now our whole gym class is sitting in the stands within the gym. Our teacher coach Murch has a video playing and I can't help but giggle and chuckle under my breath. I do notice the suss looks that I'm getting from Peter and his best friend Ned (which i found about at lunch when I decided to sit with Peter.). Although I can't blame them they don't know that I'm laughing at this Captain America Challenge video. Like what was my dad thinking when he decided to do this. And not only that but the video does not portray my dad as he is, but it is more of an act. I have got to ask him about this when I get home. Maybe then I can also laugh about this without trying to hide it.

So we get partnered up and I'm put with Peter because he is the only person I really know and am comfortable around. What I don't get is the fact that Peter is doing the challenge slower than what he could do it as well as doing it with ease. He's not even breaking a sweat. But then again neither am I. However this challenge is easy purely because it would only be hard for those who are out of shape or who don't do regular exercise. Obviously I can't show off so I do the same pace as Peter. He gives me a confused look as I like him after the challenge isn't sweaty or red faced.

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