Chapter 8

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Stephanie's POV:

After school I head with Ned and Peter to the schools decathalon team meeting or practice you could call it. As soon as I arrive I notice a particular boy who seems as if he is up himself. I mean he could not be up himself but by the way he has his body posture it seems as though he has a big ego that needs to be taken down a few notches. No later does that person open his mouth "what's up penis Parker, and may I ask who is the beautiful young lady next to you, by the way my name is Flash." Ok definitely stuck up and there is no way I would ever hang out with him he just bullied Peter and because I was raised as a lady I will answer him but he should expect something unusual. I mean Peter is my friend I am to defend him right? "My name is Stephanie, Stephanie Carter. I appreciate the compliment but I must say you should apologise to Peter for what has he ever done to you. All I believe is that he walked in the room your derogatory name calling was a disrespectful act which was not needed or called for no matter your personal feelings towards Peter. Wouldn't you say the same."

Everyone's eyes widen in the room some even have their mouth hanging open as if expecting to catch flies. Well I guess no one ever stands up to Flash or his bullying ways. However this one girl who has tan skin curly brown hair roughly tied back into a pony tail with brown eyes. She is in fact taller than Peter by about 5cm. She just laughs, I believe I will like her when I get to know her if this is any indication.

After everything has settled down the girl introduces herself as MJ the others do as well but I can't remember all their names as well as I'm not really interested. The teacher finally shows up. I thought they were meant to always be on time. Aren't they meant to supervise us because whilst we are in school they are responsible for us. Anyway it was the same teacher who was collecting the Europe trip permission notes. I believe his name is Mr Harrington but in high school all teachers are called sir or miss and their last name is normally irrelevant (A/N: I don't know whether this is the case anywhere else in the world or just in Australia).

As soon as he arrives it's as if everything is put into motion with questions being asked such as math equations and science questions but history is also asked which is weird to me because I always thought it would only be hard science and math questions.

MJ is the team leader and so she is reading the questions "what was Captain America's best friends name?" Without thinking. It's more like an instinct I reply "James Buchanan Barnes, however he liked to be called Bucky." Everyone's eyes go to me because no one was able to even sing their bell before I gave an answer. "What was Captain America's full name?" Once again this was just instinct "Steven Grant Rogers, however he was mainly referred to as Steve." Once again everyone's eyes move to me probably because I do know their full name including their middle names. "Who was Captain America's love of his life?" Again I answer this before anyone can ring the bell "Margaret 'Peggy' Carter, she was always referred by her middle name."

Obviously everybody is getting use to the idea that I know the answer to these questions. I expect MJ to carry on with the questions but what surprises me is that it is Peter. "Isn't your last name Carter, Stephanie. Are you related to her?" Everyone heard because there is just one audible gasp heard that came from everyone in the room. Suddenly I feel all these eyes look at me expectantly to give them an answer. I'm in crap because they have connected the dots but they wouldn't expect her to be my mother. I'm just going to have to lie. "Yes my last name is Carter but I don't know whether I am related to her or not. I mean I could be distantly related." I notice most people buy it as they return to their activities or await the next question but Peter gives me a look to say that he doesn't fully believe it.

MJ carries on, they must be doing a section on Captain America and his friends and foes because this is the next question. "Who is the Winter Soldier?" Of course most people didn't know. I wanted to restrain myself and give someone else a chance to jump in but no one knew it even Peter looked baffled. I chose to answer before MJ read out the answer on the back of the flash card "Bucky was the winter soldier. He was controlled by HYDRA at the time and had no control over his actions. He was brainwashed by HYDRA, he had no recollection whilst under HYDRA's control. The winter Soldier himself was an assassin for HYDRA." MJ comments "well someone seems to know a lot about Captain America and his friends and foes now please enlighten me this is the next question but since no one else but you knew the answer to the previous one I'm only going to question you. Name one assassination that the Winter Soldier succeeded in." Ok hopefully I can stay together through this answer. I know I was close to him but they can never know. "He murdered Howard and Maria Stark. He took the super soldier serum they were transporting for HYDRA so they could make more super soldiers."

I know that I am right I was there when HYDRA sent him on that mission. "Wrong. When he killed the former King of Wakanda from the bombing at the Sokovia accords." Well I hate to bring conflict but she is wrong Bucky was falsely accused of that one. "I hate to tell you this but it was later discovered that it in fact was not the Winter Soldier who bombed the Sokovia accords but in fact a man named Baron Zemo who held a vandetta against the avengers because his wife and child died in Sokovia during the attack of Ultron." Suddenly there is a quiet voice which seems to be Peter's "Stephanie's right you know, why would King T'Challa allow the person who killed his parents be on the Avengers with him. When all he wanted from the start was to avenge his fathers death." Everyone looks at me as if I am crazy because I knew the answers to questions that nobody else knew off the top of their head that had to do with the most glorified Avenger as he was the first.

Mr Harrington speaks up next "Stephanie I know you only came to see what the Decathalon was about, but we could really use you on our team. No one knows that history around Captain America quite like you and you seem as smart as Peter over there. So what do you say, will you join the decathalon team." Obviously I have to reply. "I would love to join the team, I just need to speak to my dad about it first though."

Basically decathalon ends right after that because everyone starts heading out of the room. I give a look to Peter and Ned that gives them the message I want to talk to them after everyone leaves. So they stick around. "Hey I was wondering if you guys could help me study, I know I am ahead but I'm not really good at tests so I want to know the information inside and out so that I remember it during a mental breakdown. If that is okay with you guys." Peter is the first to answer "of course it is okay, right Ned. I know that sometimes I won't be able to do it all the time but how about we start tomorrow and figure out a schedule. How does that sound." "Sounds perfect. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I wave at them as I leave the school. I wonder what Peter has on that keeps him so busy.

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