Chapter 10

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Steve's POV:

Stephanie right now is over her friends house with a study group. Honestly I think it's weird that Peter and Stephanie have study groups on the same night. But what can I do. Peter can find out later that I have a daughter that goes to his school. I wanted this meeting whilst she wasn't here because I want T'Challa to make her a suit. It is a surprise for her. Now to get this meeting started.

"Thank you everyone for joining on short notice. I know you may be wondering why I asked you all to come here well I need to ask a favour of you. Also to give some news of sorts. Now I would like to know who can help me in training a teenage girl in defence and fighting styles. No this girl is not a recruit she is special and it is just in case any danger comes her way in which it will. She is a very special case, for she is close to me and my heart. She is my daughter, Stephanie." For those that were not there when she woke up they laughed as if it was a joke but then soon realised that this was no joke. The first to speak up was Clint "when did you find time to have a daughter. Wait why are we only training her now and why are we only finding out about her now?"

I answer with "well she is actually mine and Peggy's daughter. She was frozen and only awake around a week ago. I only found out I had a daughter a week ago." Everyone looks at me with sorrow as they know I miss Peggy. Clint is the first to say "I will train her with you." Then Wanda "So will I", then T'Challa "As will I". One by one all of the avengers volunteer their help for me to train my daughter. Little do they know what they are getting themselves into. With the little time I have had with Stephanie I have noticed she is just as stubborn as me and will not give up. It's scary how much alike we are but then she also reminds me of Peggy as well.

I speak up out of reason "obviously we can't have every single one of the avengers train her, for now I believe Clint, Sam and although I know technically you are not an avenger Hope. Of course Bucky and I are included in the training. The reason for this is because we want to teach her combat skills and each of you are able to bring something different to the table. T'Challa I have a different favour to ask though of you and Shuri. It would be great if she could have a suit so no one can identify her. However would it be possible to make it so that if she tapped her bracelet or something like that it would appear on her."

He responds straight away "it would be an honour to make Stephanie her first suit we will get working on it straight away. I do have a question for you though. Would you like her to have a shield?"
I nod and smile at the same time knowing he is referring to a shield similar to mine. Her suit will probably be inspired by mine as she is my daughter. Now that that is done the meeting adjourned.

"This is all I wanted the meeting about so thank you for coming." As everyone starts to shuffle to the door I remember an important detail. "Wait I also forgot to tell you. Stephanie the reason she was frozen was because she was taken by HYDRA and experimented on. HYDRA never controlled her so not even they know the outcome of their tests. We believe she may have other capabilities other than the ones she inherited from the super serum from me. And that is where Wanda, Doctor Strange and Wong will step in to teach and help her control her powers when and if they start arising." They all nod and give me a smile and wave before returning to leave once again.

Now the hard part begins.

What am I going to tell Peter because if he knows that I have a daughter and she just started going to his school he will know that Stephanie is my daughter. We can't have that happening because if he knows that Stephanie is here then that puts him in danger as well. I know he is a superhero and all but that will put even more pressure on him that he doesn't need. He is a kid after all and he deserves to be given a break. He has already gone through hell with losing both his parents, his uncle, and now Tony his father figure. I'm surprised that he is still the way he is honestly. He is still the person who has optimism. The one who always looks on the bright side, the one who looks always happy and upbeat yet he is the one who has been through the most for being as young as he is. I wish I was as strong as him. If even only half the worlds population was like him the world would be a better place, a safer place.

I would love Stephanie to know that Peter is a person that she can trust and be friends with because he is Spider-Man but I can't. It will put her in more danger than she already is in with being my daughter but Peter's enemies will go after her if they figure anything out.

I guess I'm not only training her because she is going to be going to Europe but because of the life I lead and that of my friends. It's not exactly child friendly. Look I know she has the super strength and that but you can't help but worry for your kid. They mean the world to you. I know I've only known her a week but it feels as if I have known her since she was born.

We are so much a like but what she doesn't see is how much she is like her mother. It shines through to me. I wish Peggy got to see her for a final time before she passed just to know that she was ok and alive. Thinking back to Peggy, why did she never tell me when I went to visit her that we had a daughter that disappeared. I know she was sick and having trouble remembering but she would have remembered our daughter right. Did she not want me to worry because she was never found or did she truly forget about our child that she raised for fifteen almost sixteen years.

Stephanie said that she knew Howard maybe he mentioned her to Tony and Pepper may know about her or there could be some records of her within Stark Industries files. That will have to be an inquiry for another day it's late and I'm tired.

Wait where is Stephanie she should be home by now. In a panic I ring her phone to make sure she is alright before jumping to conclusions. The ringing is all I hear until there is a groggy "hello" on the line. "Stephanie, are you on your way home because it is very late and thought you would be home by now." She replies straight away knowing there is no time for messing about in situations such as these "I'm sorry dad I fell asleep studying here and the others are also asleep. Look we were invited to sleep over here tonight. If it's ok by you I will sleep over because it's not a good idea to go walking around the streets of Brooklyn this late ok. So I will see you tomorrow good night."

"Ok sweetie, just make sure you are safe. Goodnight." This kid will give me panic and heart attacks that will lead to my death.

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