Chapter 6

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Stephanie's POV:

We arrive at my father's apartment in Brooklyn. It's not big but it's not that small either, it feels almost homey. I'm honestly surprised he even has a second bedroom but that might be from Bucky staying over constantly and this was the guest bedroom. But now that I'm staying here when Bucky is sleeping over he will be taking the couch. I know that I will warm up to stuff here. I'll maybe even decorate a bit but that's just going to have to wait because it's late and time for me to get to sleep.


It's been a fantastic couple of days Dad and I have gotten to know each other and he has caught me up on multiple things. Like how an alien named Thanos snapped half the universe out of existence and the avengers as they call themselves brought everyone back. So now everyone is just trying to get life back to the way it was even though we all know that will never happen. It will never be the same as it once was.

I'm meant to start school soon. Apparently on Monday which might be tomorrow. I'm not sure, everything seems like it's a blur. The school is called Midtown High School. Dad said that I should fit in fine and that he knows someone that goes there but he wouldn't tell me who because I have to figure it out myself and he's not allowed to tell me apparently although I call bullshit. I've learned that he likes playing around with people and is fun when he wants to be contrary to what everybody else thinks of him.

Bucky has popped by a couple times. It's surprising how much a person can differ from your own preconceived thoughts of them. Like he is so kind and caring you wouldn't know he was the infamous assassin the winter soldier unless you knew what they looked like and knew him before he was the winter soldier.

I feel like I'm at peace with where I am finally. Like everything is fitting into place but then there still is a little piece of me that believes something is coming and it will not be friendly. That this is the calm before the storm. And if that is the case I'm going to relish this calm for as along as I can before the storm does come and crashes into my world unannounced.

Besides for looking forward to school. I also am looking forward to learning how to fight because God knows that I will need it with the fact my Dad is Captain America and his enemies might come after me if they know I exist. So we have kept Carter as my last name to not draw suspicion that I might be related to Captain America like it will with the last name Rogers because everyone in the whole world knows Steve Rogers is Captain America and there is no hiding that fact.


The next day

As I walk into school I see everything is so big and the hallways seem endless. In all my life I never pictured schools like this. I doubt they were this big in the 1940's and 50's but then again I never knew because Howard did all my schooling.

Time to find that office, hopefully the people that built this school were smart and put the office in the first corridor purely so new students wouldn't run around like headless chickens trying to find the office on their first day. I'm happy they were smart because in no time I found the office door. Remembering the way my mother taught me to always knock and wait before being asked to come in. Hopefully the world still works the same in that regard cause otherwise I'm screwed. Not a second later do I hear a person say come in. I see a woman at the desk managing phones as well as paperwork. I would not want to be in her position and being run off your feet with work. She looks at me expectantly so I introduce myself "good morning, I'm Stephanie Carter, this is my first day here." She obviously knew I was coming as she sends a message to someone or something and not two seconds later do I hear a person walk through a wooden on my left. Huh I didn't even know that door was there. Maybe I should have had a look around prior.

The man that stood in the doorway was one that seethed of authority. Immediately I knew he was the principal of Midtown High School. He introduces himself "good morning Stephanie, I am Mr Davis your Principal here at Midtown High School. I will show you to your locker as well as give you your timetable. I know you may find it hard adjusting here considering with only previously being homeschooled your entire life but hopefully we can make this transition for you as smoothly as possible. If you have any grievances I would be happy to help you as well as any of our staff. Now we should be on our way."

As we make our way to my locker I note on where it is in accordance with the office so I dong get too lost. When we arrive he hands me papers. One is a combination that I am guessing is for the lock on my locker. Next is classes and times and then there is a map of the school. That map will be my best friend. Apparently everyone is in class already although it's only five minutes into the lesson. So that's why all the hallways were empty. Everyone is in class, jeez people here must love school I know back at home everyone dreaded school they said it must be hell.

Me Davis calls someone over but I can't remember who it is or what he said purely because I was looking over all the stuff he gave me as well as getting the correct books out of my locker. Once my locker is closed I look up only to find Mr Davis is not there anymore.

Instead a boy who has brown hair and brown eyes that looks around 5 feet and 8 inches tall. He looks as if he is in good shape with some muscle definition but hides it well with the baggy clothes he wears as if he is trying to hide it. I must say he is good looking almost hot wait no definitely hot I think as my eyes make their way back to his face. Where a pink tinge has been exposed on his cheeks. He extends his hand "Hi my name is Peter Parker, it's nice to meet you."

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