Chapter 9

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Stephanie's POV:

Once I walk through the front door I yell "I'm home, are you here dad?" I get a response straight away "Hi, I'm in here, how was school." I follow his voice into the lounge room where I see him sitting on the couch. "It was good I made friends and I got invited to be on the school decathalon team. I said that I would have to talk to you first before I gave them an answer though. Also I know you are probably going to say no but I wang you to hear me out first. There is this Europe trip that we can go on with the school and I really want to go. I know it'll be dangerous but you can train me before the trip and even get me a suit which I will only wear for protection if something bad seems to happen."

"Ok normally I thought parents only got a good from kids when asking about school. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about the low down. So what is a decathalon team and you are right I'm not going to let you go. I only just got you there is no way I'm going to lose you. And it's good that you made friends, you need a life outside of the superhero one you were born into. Now that you have talked about your training we are starting it tonight. And there is no way you are getting a suit."

Obviously I have to argue because that Europe trip is something I have to go on. "Dad please let me go on that trip. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Besides you can get T'Challa to do extra training with me so that you know for sure I can handle anything that might happen. And the suit will only be for protective purposes as well as to hide my identity if I ever need to use my abilities. Oh and a decathalon team is a team that does competitions about answering questions the quickest with the correct answer. It's purely academics."

"You can do the decathalon team. There is no risk that I can see with academics. You must get your brains from your mother because the only subject I was good at was art. Also I'll think about the trip I'll have to talk to T'Challa. Actually how about we have numerous avengers train you so get variety in training and nothing can surprise you. It's still a no to that suit."

I might wanna mention the deadline for the permission note. "Dad you see the permission note for the trip is due back tomorrow so I wouldn't do too much thinking about this but say yes instead. I also forgot to tell you tomorrow my friends and I are doing this little study group do we are on top of the work in class and homework. We are also going to work out a schedule because one of my friends has something outside of school which may interfere."

"I think it's great you have created the study group. As for the trip, you can go as of now but if you get a bad grade, have behavioural issues, or are not up to a decent standard in training you will not be going on that trip. You understand."

I nod my head and salute in which he returns and opens his arms to embrace me in. I say goodnight because it has been a long first day of school. However I overhear my dad on the phone. I don't know who he called but they are coming over tomorrow whilst I'm at my study group with Ned and Peter. I think it may be the avengers but I'm not 100% sure though.


Peter's POV:

I get a call on my phone from Captain America. Why would he be calling me. Do the avengers have a mission or something because he knows that I have school so I can't go on missions out of the blue or ones that are during school time. I pick up because I trust him. "Hello". I am not expecting this to be a group call to the whole of the avengers though. I know because everyone is talking over the top of each other. We defeated Thanos together why can't we have a conversation where everyone gets their turn without an interruption. Cap is the one who is to break it up "guys everybody stop. I called you all because we need to have a meeting tomorrow night at my apartment to discuss a few things. If that is alright with everyone." I hear majority well everyone beside me say yes or something to indicate that they will be there. I speak up before the line goes dead "I can't, I have some plans tomorrow night that is a study group. If I cancel tomorrow it will make it seem suspicious towards the people that are in the study group. I'll have to be relayed the information from the meeting. If that is okay with everyone."

Cap is the one that speaks up "we know Ned knows. He will understand why you need to reschedule." I of course reply "I know Ned will understand but there is someone else. She just joined our school and she wanted to create a study group with us. So that's why I can't it will look suspicious to her. She already thinks I might be hiding something. So I can't risk it."

Finally I get an answer of "ok. We will catch you up later. Have fun at school and studying." The call ends. How is this meant to help. I am a bit suspicious that they might leave some bits out of the debrief that may seem irrelevant but in actual fact could prove to be useful. I wonder what the meeting is about. I mean it's not like Cap to just call a meeting out of nowhere so something must be wrong or it's something really important.

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