Chapter 11

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Stephanie's POV:

These past months have been amazing. Sure I miss my mum and everything back in 1962 bit here I have friends, I get to go to school and spend time with my dad. I am yet to meet the avengers which I find strange because my dad works with them. Well leads them as a job. But I am top of my classes. That's right I knocked Peter off number one at school everyone of course is giving him crap for it which I hate because we are friends. Like can't they be nice. That is something I miss though most people were nice to you but now the ones that were mean have gotten worse and majority of the time they are the ones that are popular where as back then I liked to think they were the ones on the outer.

Peter, Ned and I have become close friends, however I have also made friends with MJ. She is like my mum in how strong willed and minded she is. She is also smart and funny. Whilst at school I have found out that I am quite good at drawing. It's something that dad and I share a passion for.

Nobody has questioned my heritage after the hiccup in the decathalon practice when I first got here. Although I'm sure Peter has an inkling to know that I'm not telling the truth when it comes to my parentage but he hasn't mentioned it yet.

Training is my favourite part of the day though. It's so much fun. I want to be hero like my dad and possibly be an avenger. But I know dad doesn't want me to have a life like his. He wants me to have a life that is the closest to normal that I can get with my abilities. In training sometimes there is an avenger that helps my dad out with my training. It has been Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. He has taught me how to use a bow and arrow among other basic weapons. Hope aka the wasp has taught me how to use another persons strengths against them to turn it into their weakness. That bit is so much fun because it means that I'm able to take down my dad with the previous training he has given me in defence and attack strategies and approaches. There is Sam aka falcon who has taught me how to look for a persons weakness as well as strategies towards those that may seem to have the upper hand against me. He knows this as he normally is the one who is at a disadvantage in fights. Of course Bucky is training me in different styles of martial arts. I'm doing well according to everyone. They are surprised by my improvement over the course of months.

Tomorrow is the day that I leave for Europe dad is sad to let me leave because I have been taken by HYDRA once and I could be taken by someone else. There is something that he is keeping from me I just know it but I have no idea what it is all I know is that it concerns me. I finished packing an hour ago and I can't calm my nerves. This is an experience that I will probably never get again. Because I know that this trip isn't something that happens all the time. I know there are field trips but they are in the same state and country but this we are travelling over Europe which is 6393km away. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight due to how excited I am.  But it is best to try anyway so I head to my bed to at least try.


The next morning

I sit at the table with my dad and we are eating pancakes with maple syrup and ice cream. This is a treat. You see dad likes to eat healthy majority of the time and pancakes are definitely not healthy. Normally breakfast is fruit or granola or oats with yogurt. As we finish up eating the pancakes dad hands me a box. It looks like a jewellery box but who knows what it is it could be anything. I politely take the box out of his hand saying thank you in the process. I open the box and inside is a simple leather bracelet with an amethyst gem. To some people it would be simple, basic to me it is perfect.

I look up to see dad smiling the widest and brightest I've ever seen. But it doesn't stop there as he tells me " put it on and tap the stone twice."

I do as he said and suddenly I am covered in material including my face partially as it hides the top of my head and hair. I look down towards my chest and see a white star. Immediately I know this is a suit however it doesn't feel like any material that I've ever worn. Actually I'm confused on how I even got this on. I look to my dad as if to explain which thankfully he does. "The suit is made of vibrant I'm the strongest metal on earth so it should protect you. It uses nanotechnology to cover you and is activated by tapping on the bracelet. I figured it would be good to use if there is any compromising situations and you need to keep your identity a secret. To have the suit uncover you just double tap the bracelet again. Hopefully you won't need to use it but it is a just in case. Now it is time to get you to the airport. You can have a look at what it looks like on if you want to before we go but we do need to get moving so hurry up."

I move to the mirror and gasp, if you knew I was his daughter you could tell that the inspiration came from his suit but if you didn't you wouldn't know. The main colour of the suit is a deep purple with a large white star in the middle of the chest. The mid section is black and dark purple stripes and the bottoms are black. It looks really amazing I'll have to thank whoever made this suit personally because they did a really good job. I double tap the bracelet and now I'm standing in front of the mirror with regular clothes on now.

Dad drops me off at the front of the airport because he can't go in without everyone realising who he is which could alert people as to who I am and that can't happen so I go in by myself.

I spot Peter standing with May they wave me over and I see Mr Harrington and Mr Dell marking off names and they see me but I call out that I'm here to make sure because they are not the brightest teachers in the world and have a tendency to lose track of students.

Once we are on the plane I'm sitting next to MJ which is good because I would not like to be sitting next to someone I don't know or the teachers because sitting next to the teachers is just weird. Ned comes to ask me if I would switch with him or MJ would switch with Peter. Does Ned want to sit with MJ or does Peter want to sit with me I have no idea what has happened but next thing I know Ned makes up this stupid lie of Peter being allergic to perfume. I know something is up and I need to find out what. Mr Harrington forces Peter to sit next to him and then Betty sits next to Ned and I'm moved to sit next to Mr Dell. Why the hell did I need to be moved this had nothing to do with me. MJ ends up sitting with Brad. I know she doesn't like him, she has told me on numerous occasions as he has tried to get her to be his girlfriend previously. I look towards Peter over the two teachers as we are in the same row sending the message I am not happy. Although I think he has it worse as there is a double headphones adaptor. He got the worse end of the deal at least Mr Dell is asleep already and won't be bothering me. I look over to MJ and see that Brad too has a double headphone adaptor she sends me a look that wants me to help her but I don't know what I can do the seats are final is what the teachers said. So i send my best I wish I could help looks. I know she receives the message as she turns around to face Brad again. I feel so sorry for her. She doesn't want to hurt Brad but he can't take a hint.

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