30 | the savior survived

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My ears are ringing.

My head hurts.

Minho's spear is lounged in Gally's chest.

I gasped, removing my hands from my ears.

Minho's spear is lounged in Gally's chest.

The glader stumbled backwards, holding his hands
out while reaching for the spear but his hands seemed to barely miss it.
He was too shocked to do anything.

Minho backed up behind me, his eyes widening slowly as he realized what he had done.
The third in command fell to his knees before landing flat on his shoulder, dead.



I glanced over at the greenie, watching him fall to the ground with Chuck in his arms.
His once white shirt was now stained with his own blood.

Gally had shot him.

"Holy shit, Chuck!" Thomas gasped, moving the small boy's hair away from his face, "You're gonna be ok, it'll be ok Chuck."

Chuck coughed, holding out a small wooden trinket from his pocket, "Thomas, please take this."

"No, no you have to give them this yourself." The greenie responded, shaking his head wearily before taking the wooden toy in his left hand.

"Thank you, Thomas. For everything."

I watched as the boy's body went limp after a moment.

Holy fuck.

"Chuck?" Thomas whispered, shaking the boy lightly, "Wake up! Chuck, come on! Fuck! No, Chuck please wake up."

"God damn it, Chuck! Please don't leave without me!"

I stood back, covering my mouth with both hands.
It all happened so quickly.

And now they were both gone.

In a heartbeat, the doors behind us opened; revealing men in masks. They crowded into the room, grabbing onto everyone around me.
"Newt!" I called, reaching for his hand before being shoved out of his grasp.

I struggled, fighting back against the raider but it was no use. He was about 6'5, muscles ripped down his arms and legs while, his eyes looked forward at the exit.

He didn't even seem to notice me struggling against his weight.

He pushed me outside with ease, guiding me into a desert. It was bland, empty, and filled to the brim with sand.

God, I already hated sand.

Other men and women surrounded the area, guns attached to their sides like glue. I looked around carefully, before noticing the large vehicle sitting in front of us.
It had wings at the top, propelling in a circular motion.
I couldn't remember what it was called.

"Move!" One of the directors ordered, pushing me further down the trail.

I stumbled slightly before picking myself back up almost immediately.


We were seated close together in the back on the vehicle.
Newt entered the metallic mobile after a moment. I smiled, giving him a small hug as he shuffled inside.
His face of concern vanished as he hugged me back.

"You guys alright?"

A voice in front of us pulled me from my thoughts. "Don't worry, you're safe now." He commented, glancing around at us all.

It was a man who looked to be in his late 30's. He had long blond hair and a blond beard. His smiled seemed almost crooked.
It was a face you couldn't trust.

As the man spoke, the vehicle lurched upward. I looked out the window, only to be greeted by the outside walls of the maze.


The walls hung together closely, lined with stone and machinery. They got smaller and smaller as we flew away.

Why did I feel like I was going to miss the glade?

I looked around at the rest of the group.
Minho sat with Winston and Frypan. His face was unreadable at first but, I could see the pain behind his eyes.
Teresa and Thomas sat together by the man who spoke to us earlier. Teresa looked out the window solemnly, taking in the new view as Thomas rolled Chuck's trinket through his fingers carefully.
I sat next to Newt quietly, his right arm drapped over my shoulder and his head resting on top of my own.

"We got the kids in Group A." The blond man whispered into a small mic on his chest, "The savior is one of the survivors."

The savior?

How did he know about the savior?

The man glanced at me calmly, giving me a weak smile. It was enough to make anyone shiver.

We weren't out of the woods just yet.

Damn it.

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