Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

So close.

He had been so close.

But she had been torn away from him, just like that.

It was like Satan himself had been taunting him with the idea of seeing Webster again, but had snatched her away before Alex could even get close.

He let the tears fall. He didn't care that everyone was about to see him cry, even the snooby reception lady.

"I'm sorry Alex." whispered Gretchen as she walked off, a tray of ice-cream for a patient in her hands.

He was sorry too.


She had never liked planes. The idea of flying through the air at God knows what speed with the risk of crashing and plummeting to the ground and exploding into flames?

No thank you.

But here she was, on a flight back to Ireland, her body feeling numb.

The doctors had explained everything. Apparently, the car had done a lot of damage to her legs and head and that when she had arrived on the stretcher in the hospital, the chances of her surviving had been less than twenty percent.

But they took a risk.

They took a risk on her.

They tried a new type of surgery on her and they were able to fix her.

And they did better than they should have.

According to Doctor Thomas, they had inserted these new 'stem cells' into her spine to help repair it, and it had worked. So he went on to explain that now that her spine was on the road to healing up,

She was going to be able to walk again.

She was going to be able to use her legs.

But it had gotten even better than that.

Apparently, in Ireland, they were researching problems with speech, and they had contacted the Baltimore hospital when they found out Webster was in care there and had asked them to send her to Ireland when they were finished.

So she was going to be able to speak properly as well.

It was all too good to be true, but with every sweet piece of news, there was also something bitter to wash it down with, and unfortunately, she had been no exception to the cruel game of fate.

She may have been moving back to Ireland, her real home, but she was leaving something, more like somone, behind.


She had left him without even a goodbye. God she wanted to scream at the pilot to turn around and take him with her. She wasn't ready to leave him.

She still had one final playlist to give him, the one playlist that would tell him everything she had been feeling for him ever since she met him.

All the songs that summed everything up, never to reach his ears at all.

That is, if he never goes to get it.

She had promised herself that she wouldn't cry when she got on the plane.




"Nope. Not in here."


"Fuck it anyway!"

Alex cursed as he set aside yet another box of junk. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to find any passport in there. But he needed his fucking passport to get to Ireland.


He was going to go.

He didn't care that he was flat out broke with not a penny to his name.

He was going to get to her.

Had had to.


She didn't want to listen to Green Day.

She didn't want to listen to Nirvana.

She didn't want to listen to Blink-182.

She didn't want to listen to anything without Alex.


He laughed a bittersweet laugh as he pulled out a box full of his old mixtapes. It had been so many years since he had looked through his beautiful collection of the rock and punk legends, but as he reached to take out one, he felt his hand freeze at the corner of the box.

He didn't want to listen to any of them without Webster.

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