Ending The War

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3rd POV
Ruby took her scythe and slashed it upwards, blood coming from the Paladin's body as he then landed on his back, slightly laughing.
POB: haha, you did well girl....now....finish what you have started.
Ruby had her gun pointed at the Paladin's head. Her eyes were shining as rage ran through her system.
Ruby: you....caused so much damage!
POB: pull the trigger then Ruby....you want revenge for what happened to your mother? Or is it because of me being your father. Either way.....you....lose.
Y/N: Ruby......it's over.
She looked at Y/N with angry eyes and looked back at the Paladin.
Ruby: if I.....if I let him live....then he will haunt us all.
Y/N: I want him dead too....but if you kill him, it will haunt you alone, look at him....he can't fight back....out the gun down Ruby.....
Ruby looked at Y/N with tears in her eyes, he slowly walked towards her with his hand out.
Y/N: come on baby....let's go home....
Her lower lip began to quiver as a tear came from her eye and landed on the ground.
Y/N: I'll be here for you....
Ruby closed her eyes before turning her head back towards the Paladin, another tear came from her eye as she squeezed them shut. She then opened her eyes again and looked at the Paladin on the ground with a smile on her face.
POB: you....will.....
He then showed teeth in his smile as he weakly began to laugh.
She looked at the Paladin and pulled the trigger, putting one right between the eyes. Y/N jumped in disbelief, he began shaking slightly and breathing heavily as blood splattered on Ruby's face. She looked at the Paladin's corpse and looked at Y/N, looking at his horrified face.
Ruby: I'm sorry.....it had to be done.
Y/N: Ruby......
She dropped her weapon and walked over to Y/N, she then pressed her face against his chest and began to cry, she wrapped her arms around him. He put his arms around her, trying to calm her.
Y/N: it's ok Ruby.....let it all out.
Her soft cries echoed the room as the tear droplets landed on the ground.
Y/N: it's ok....
The sound of bullheads and other military vehicles were heard outside.
Ruby: I killed an unarmed man....I'm ready for what they will throw at me.
She began walking towards the sounds only to be grabbed by Y/N.
Y/N: no.....I'll do it.
Ruby: why?
Y/N: as the Indominus I killed many who deserved it along with many who didn't it....I won't sit here and allow another lose their life... take his bullhead and escape....I'll go.
Ruby: Y/N....they'll shoot you on sight, with me I'll just go to prison.
Y/N: I've made up my mind Ruby....go to the airship now.
Y/N pulled her close and kissed her on the lips, and slightly nudged her over to the bullhead.
Y/N: set it to autopilot and your destination.... I love you.
Ruby: Y/N........I love you too.
He nodded before walking towards the sound of the airships outside, and Ruby going to the bullhead and clicking some buttons. The doors to the launch area opened, the sound of rain and thunder clashed with each other. She put in the location to where she wanted to go and the rotors started to spin.
Soldiers on the outside waited for the all clear to go in, behind barricades in case there was any enemy fire. The door then opened, the rain landing hard on the soldiers, and Y/N.
Ironwood: what are you planning L/N?
Y/N continued walking until he stopped and looked at all of the soldiers. He then looked at the sky, hearing the rotors of Ruby's bullhead spin as he then closed his eyes, a tear coming from his eye, though quickly becoming hidden from the rain.
Ironwood: Men....fire at will.
Soldier: but sir, he's unarmed.
Ironwood: do it now.....after it's finished, storm the building!
All of the soldiers aimed their guns at
Y/N he spoke under his breath one last sentence.
Y/N: Red.....like roses.....as my love...will remain free.
Ruby's bullhead turned around the island and flew past the airship where Y/N was, the gun shots went off, all nailing Y/N hard. Blood flew with every hit, he fell to the ground and landed on his back, his hand sprawled out with a rose petal in his hand.
Ruby watched what happened, a tear formed in her eye as she planted her hand up to the glass of the ship.
Ruby: Y/N......

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