Return To The Paladin

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3rd POV
A massive door opened, the Indominus ran into the room, holding one of the daughters, and the other one running by its side.
Female: we made is my sister?
The Indominus let off a growl as the sister had a pained look, she was holding her leg with tears in her eyes.
The Indominus dropped the wounded female to the ground, she was bleeding and tears were in her eyes from the pain. The sound of laugher echoed through the dark room as the Paladin then walked into the light.
POB: good to see you again....what happened to you my daughter?
Female: I was shot....but I can still....I can still work.
POB: so you were shot......that is a pity, what shall happen now?
Female: I can still fight for you father....don't do it!
The Paladin walked over to her and gently put his hands on the side of her face.
POB: you would be out of commission, and we can't allow that.
The other female, her own pure blood sister, looked away, knowing what was to happen next. The Paladin slowly lifted his thumbs above her eyes.
Female: please.....I'm sorry.....
POB: I'm glad you're sorry....but that can't fix it.
He then jammed his thumbs down, her screams echoed through the dark room, Y/N turning back to human and cringing at her blood curdling screams. The wounded female's arms flailed as she tired to push the Paladin off her her, but that didn't stop him, he pressed down harder, making her scream louder until she was slowly silenced, then lifeless on the ground. The Paladin then stood up and looked at the blood on his thumbs. He held his right hand up and walked over to his other daughter.
POB: your sister....has failed....will you do the same?
Female: no father.....
POB: good...
He put his right hand to her face and rubbed his bloody thumb down her cheek, smearing the blood. A tear came from her eye as he smiled.
POB: don't have done well, you should rejoice.....Y/N.
Y/N: Y-yes master....
POB: take care of the body, put with my other daughters and sons....the ones that failed.
Y/N: yes master.
Y/N bent down and pulled on the dead daughter, then throwing her over his shoulder and walking her to the pit. The Paladin walked out of the room, leaving the last remaining of the two daughters from the mission.


Ruby got out of the ship she hijacked and looked at the facility.
Ruby: so....this is your new hideout...
She then ran inside the facility, her weapon ready and the door opened, when she ran in though, the massive door closed behind her, no escape. Her fate with the Paladin and finding Y/N has been sealed.

Back to Y/N.
He pressed a button and a door hatch opened, the sound of flies buzzing could be heard from within, the light shined on countless corpses, all murdered in painful ways, much different than each others. Y/N threw the daughter into the pit and listened to the sound of her body hitting the others, sliding down the massive pyramid. The Pyramid made, from his own children.

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