Possession Pt. 1 (Sam x Abigail)

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Requested by: abbychristinej

Imagine: Sam and Dean tell Abigail that she can't go on a hunt with them because it's too dangerous. But while their sleeping, she goes by herself and gets into some trouble.

Word Count: 1472

Warnings: None


"You're not going! That's final!" Sam argued closing his laptop with just enough force not to break its screen. "Abby, it's too dangerous."

"Sam, c'mon. I know what I'm doing. I've hunted before a few times and it came out fine in the end." Abigail pleaded as she looked down at her boyfriend who was sitting at his desk chair in his bedroom.

"Those were salt and burns. We're talking about vamps, werewolves, demons, you name it. Unless it's a ghost, I'm sorry but, you're not going." Dean added as he was eating some leftover Chinese takeout from the night previous.

"Dean, stay out of this." Abigail snapped.


Night had fallen over Maldover, Maryland where Abigail and the both of the Winchester brothers were on their next hunt. Abigail was always considered part of the team, even if she never actually went on hunts.

She mostly just did research and was just a few feet or a phone call away if Sam, her boyfriend of two years, and Dean needed help with something. When Abigail first got into the hunting side of life, she was okay with it at first, scared that she'd get hurt or something else tragic happening, like getting possessed by a demon or getting turned into something like a vampire or werewolf. But now that she had been in the gig for a while, five going on six years, she figured that she could finally involve herself by doing something more than sitting behind a laptop, phone, and countless lore books for twenty-four-hours a day, seven days a week.

Sam had thought about letting her join in on simple little hunts, like salt and burns or even just going on investigations like pretending to be the FBI, park rangers, or homeland security but Dean often reminded him that even the simple things could be royally screwed with the slightest inconvenience.

She knew that she was clumsy and maybe a little careless, but she knew she wouldn't royally screw it up (Maybe just a little).

At about two AM, once both of the brothers were asleep, Abigail decided it was time to strike. She got out of her and Sam's bed gently rolling out from under the crusty motel bed sheets and comforter that have been slept on and under by who knows how many other people and what had been done on them. Even though she knew they had been washed many many times before she got to them, it was pretty unsettling to her.

Sam shuffled around a bit and Abigail froze in her place as she held the covers in her hands, about to place them back, making her side of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and opened them slowly. Sam was a decently heavy sleeper but not feeling the weight of Abigail next to him made him wake up. "Abby?" he asked quietly, with a tiredness in his voice. "Why are you up?" he looked at the clock seeing what time it was.

"I-" she tried thinking of a lie since she was leaving. "I'm going to go on a drive. I can't sleep." she spoke just above a whisper. Her lies were quite convincing.

"Mmm." he rubbed his eyes again and ran a hand through his chocolate locks. "I'll come with you." he sat up and about got out of the bed.

"No!" she whisper-yelled, her plan about to become foiled. "I mean, no." She spoke calmly. "I'd rather go by myself. I promise you can come next time. Alright?" She gently grabbed his hand and placed a soft kiss on the top of it. "Perhaps a walk in the morning when I come back?"

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