6: I need new friends

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£: Danny's POV :£
Thursday, October 23rd
11:50 am

"Guys, guess who's throwing another party?" Brett asked, looking at his phone, during our lunch period.

"Let me guess." I say in a bored voice. We were sitting at our usual table at the center of the cafeteria.

"Yup. Harry is having one at his house Friday night." Jordan chimes in.

"I'm not going." I say, staring at my untouched food.

"Dude." Carter flashes me an annoyed look.

"What?" I look at all of them, exasperated.

"Can you chill? You're not the same at all ever since you and Jasmine broke up." Jordan glares at me.

I forced myself not to clench my fists. I was insanely pissed off at her. And now I was getting mad at the guys too. See what she did?

And don't try to blame this on me. Because this is not my fault.

"Anyways," Carter says. "What happened after the football game?"

Okay at least someone was sane. He was trying to calm me down. I just had to act the part. That's all this ever was. An act.

"I went home, showered, changed, then thought about going to kill May and Peri. I found these types of thoughts keep me calm somehow." I grinned. "I then drove around and found Jennings' house. She.." I thought about what to say.

She had been crying and hurt. Everyone thinks she's a tough girl. They can keep thinking that.

"MJ was surprised to see me and told me that her and Peri broke up. I offered her the deal and she so easily accepted. I told you." I smirked at the guys.

That was easy, summing it up. So why was my heart beating so loudly?

"Speaking of MJ.." Jacob said quietly, watching someone behind me.

I turned around and saw a very gorgeous girl in a black outfit with curled brown hair coming towards us.

I realized it was MJ. Damn that girl looked fine.

€: MJ's Perspective €:
Thursday, October 23rd
11:52 am.

I am very uncomfortable with lots of attention. So of course I had to have five incredibly attractive guys staring at me. Carter looked at me with amusement but his eyes didn't stay on me long; Jordan looked at me with something similar to sympathy, Jacob with some type of admiration and some amusement, Brett with a look saying oh boy here she comes, and Daniel looked without recognition, staring at me in wonder. Was that a good thing? Heck if I knew.

"Hi guys," I say awkwardly.

Of course, the guys being the guys, I got many responses. Brett, being my sort of friend and a nuisance, just shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"'Sup, MJ." Jacob gave me a cheeky grin.

"Hi My," Jordan gave a small smile.

Carter just looked at me but after getting a couple glares he talked. "Hey." He mumbled.

I blushed then looked at Daniel. He gave me a nod, just acknowledging me. What was his deal now?

"So I was going with my friends this Saturday night to World's of Fun Haunted thing. If you can get your own tickets, you can join us."

"Why are you inviting us?" Carter questioned.

I hesitated and my face heated up again before glancing at Daniel. "My friends thought it would be a good idea and they volunteered me to come."

I really did not want to talk about the becoming popular or dating one of the populars, especially since Daniel and I weren't actually dating. Especially in front of my best friend, two friends, a new friend, and an ex-best friend.

"Okay. Sounds fun." Daniel gave me a smile.

"Well you know I'll be there." Brett smirked.

No duh he'd be there. I tried not to roll my eyes at him.

"So will I." Jake said, looking at me.

"Me too." Jordan says.

After a self-struggling moment, Carter agrees too.

"You can sit with us." Jake offers.

I smile at him. "No thanks. The others are waiting for me."

I turn back and walk towards my other friends. Ally jumps up. "What did they say?!"

I laugh but it didn't sound like mine. "They said they would come."

"Hey, Oliver, did you do the math homework," Carmen asks him.

"Duh." Oliver and Jacob are cousins but they're pretty different. Samuel is an outcast joined in our misfit group.

"Lucky, Brett sat over there today." Rachel mumbles, texting her boyfriend.

I shake my head. "I need new friends."

£: Daniel's POV £:
Thursday, October 23rd.
9:46 pm.

It may have been my idea for her to become friends with my friends but I was really surprised when MJ came to me and the guys and invited us to WOF. That was nice of her. I knew that getting tickets was expensive but then again, if you attended Angel Grove Private High School, you were supposedly wealthy. I honestly don't remember if that was the correct name for the damned school or not. Like I care either way.

The only reason my parents had money was because when my grandparents died, they left us a fortune. Now my parents act very stuck-up. It's been five years. I now see why they liked Jasmine. Because she was - no, is - a stuck up bitch with no self-remorse.

MJ acts absolutely nothing like that. I definitely like and respect that.

I usually try to go to sleep around 10:00 pm so I have time to do everything I need to without completely tiring myself out. But I couldn't stop thinking about MJ. She was being really calm with all this change. She had to be hiding something. And I'm too curious. I have to find out. I will find out.

A/N: Whoa there Daniel! Calm down! He's being crazy suspicious! Does he have a good reason?

Does anyone think this chapter was too short? I ask because it took me a good portion of the day to make this. Should I start making my chapters longer? Also, thank you for reading this. Almost 50 so far. :)

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