Fifty Two

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Green, black, and white illuminates all over the room. A gasp barely escapes my lips as I look around at the beautifully themed bar. Next to the bar is a section of tables with chairs facing a projector screen. That's probably where we'd be most of the time listening to the album.

"Well well well, look at my two stars looking great as ever," I hear someone whistle us. I look over to see Eddie sashay over. "And look at my Sarah. You look beautiful my dear." Eddie grabs my hand and twirls me around. My hair fluffs out and lands right back on my shoulders.

"Thanks Eddie," I smirk at him. "And I'd like you to know that this shirt is mine after this party." We all laugh as I run my fingers down the green splash marks along the sleeves. He has on a black dress shirt with green marks all down the sleeves. His pants are black and white stripes which I'm instantly falling in love with.

"And hello Mr. Brightman," Eddie grabs Alex's arm. "Don't you look handsome, huh?" I laugh at Alex's blushing state as he quietly thanks Eddie. They both start making small talk so I sneak away.

I talk to a few ensemble members, complimenting their outfits. Everyone mostly went for the black, green, and white theme. Even due to the darker lights for the spooky vibe, this place is decorated amazingly. I'm not surprised though, Eddie is something else.

I find Dana and Presley with Kerry, so I quickly run over to them. They all jump as I burst in the middle of their circle, but all recover with laughter. I wrap my arms around Presley and Kerry, pulling them close.

"You guys look beautiful," I coo, standing back to admire all of their dresses. I've seen Dana and Presley's already, but they look even better. Kerry's dress is similar to mine; a long black dress.

"Oh my god, Sarah, look at you," Kerry gasps, holding my hand to examine my dress. I look down, hiding my heated cheeks. She goes on about my dress and I tell her about the incident with me and Presley switching them.

After all of us getting a bit thirsty, we all make our way to the bar and grab a drink. Kerry orders the drinks, already having an a taste for something. She said she's confident that we'll enjoy it.

I order Presley a coke, wiggling my eyebrows as I hand it to her. For her maturity, sometimes it slips that Presley's underage. "Nice try, missy." She giggles, taking the can and immediately sipping out of it.

"Are you guys excited to hear the album?" Dana speaks up. We all turn to her, nodding rapidly. I want to record it and send it to my parents, but we all have to wait for it to be released. I'd like to surprise them anyways, so they can wait a bit longer.

I lean on the counter, looking around for my second favorite Brightman. I remember catching him meeting up with Rob and Kelvin earlier. They all matched with a clean suit, Kelvin with some added accessories.

"They're at the tables," Kerry answers my question. I look over at her, before the tables near the projection screen. And she was right because sat around a round table are Alex, Rob, Kelvin, Timbers, and Adam.

"I'll be back," I tell them, taking another sip of my drink, before putting it on the counter and making my way over to them. As I pass the tables, my flats clinks get louder, earning their attention. I notice Alex first with a slight frown, but he covers it up when we meet eyes. Weird.

"Sarah Holland, look at you," Rob laughs, standing up from his seat to embrace me in a hug. "I love this dress on you."

"Thank you Rob, you look handsome," I smirk, hitting his chest as we break apart. His hair is gelled down, making it pretty shiny.

I make small talk with the other boys, complimenting them all. They look nice, most of them matching with the same black suits. Alex stays quiet, watching me talk intensely.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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