chapter one.

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I've done my research to make this timeline as close to the actual events of this musical as possible. As we all know, shows take years to perfect before they head onto Broadway. But, this story will only take a few months from auditions to Broadway. Yes, it's unrealistic, but it really shouldn't matter. Thanks for understanding.

In Love With Alex Brightman
By QueenyStyles

September 5th, 2018 [Wednesday]
•33 weeks left•

"Sarah, stop being a wuss and just click it already!" Katie complained, leaning her cheek on her palm.

"Yeah, you've been hovering over the submit button for the last ten minutes now," Rory added, pointing at the screen, but I swatted his hand away. "Come on Sarah, just do it." I still didn't move, causing Katie to roll her eyes and slam her hand on the desk.

"If you don't click it in the next minute, then I will," she threatened. I continued to ignore them both, staring blankly at the screen. My teeth sunk into my bottom lip as my thigh slightly trembled. Rory noticed immediately and gently rested his hand on top to calm me down.

I was seated between my two best friends, trying to decide whether I should tryout for a new musical that was about to open auditions. There wasn't much information about the actual plot of the musical, besides the description for the lead woman. And the features required were all I could potentially fit into.

I've always loved musicals, ever since my mother took me to see Annie when I was a kid. I was infatuated with the idea of dancing, singing, and acting on a stage for hundreds to watch and boast about. As we left the theater that night, it became an ultimate goal set by my young ambition to pursue my future as a Broadway actress. I was seen at every theater workshop and audition throughout middle and high school.

I moved to New York after getting into NYU for a major in theater. That was where I met my two best friends—Katie and Rory. I met Katie first in sophomore year. We started talking a lot after being paired up for improv class. Katie was there for a screenwriting major, but still loved to act. We formed an immediate friendship due to our close similarity in personalities, and we always hung out after classes.

While having lunch in the dining hall one day, I bumped into Rory—literally. His solid chest met mine, causing my feet to stumble back and my coffee to splatter on the ground. Rory was instantly down at my side, trying to help clean up the mess. I had to repeatedly calm him down as he frantically expressed his sorrow, but my words went right over his head. His face slowly started to sweat and burn red in embarrassment.

Even though I told him he didn't have to, he bought me another coffee, and somehow was able to muster up a request for a date. He wanted to redeem his first impression, and between giggles, I answered yes.

Rory and I had a great time during our dinner, and I learnt a lot about him. He was attending NYU for a major in English because he wanted to open his own publishing company. I told him about myself being there for theater and my obsession with Broadway. I convinced him to come back to my dorm and watch a bootleg with me. We became really good friends and when he met Katie, we turned into a trio.

Rory lived off-campus in an apartment alone, so Katie and I would visit him a lot and reenact shows by their albums on full volume. We eventually got him interested in Broadway—many shows later—and he was almost as obsessed as us.

During our senior year, Katie and I saved up to move next door to Rory's apartment. We were always together, whether it was making breakfast in Rory's kitchen or baking brownies in ours; the three of us became dependent on each other. I wouldn't know how to function properly without them in my life. They meant a lot to me, and I'd always be thankful for them. Even after we graduated.

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