chapter thirty seven

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"Hello?" I called out as I walked inside the room the receptionist told me to go into. I wandered around the room and found a baby blue screen, held up by black poles and a bunch of studio lights surrounding it. Two chairs sat in front of a big camera, diagonal to another lonely chair. Still, no one was to be seen. "Am I in the right place?" I spoke out loud, spinning around.

"You most definitely are," A voice appeared behind me. I almost let out a yelp, but was fast enough to cover my mouth. I darted my head in the voice's direction and held my heart. It was a woman, her eyes widened in apology. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Miss Holland. Didn't mean to sneak up on you," She said, walking towards me, her hand out in front of her.

I laughed lightly, "No, it's fine. Don't worry. It was just so quiet and I thought I was in the wrong place." The woman smiled, shaking her head.

"Nope, you're right where you're supposed to be. How are you?" She motioned to the studio room. The woman was tall, and her heels weren't helping my neck at all. "I'm Janie, by the way. I'll be your interviewer."

"Hello, Janie, I'm great," I responded, walking towards her. "Where is everyone? Am I late?"

"Oh no, you're right on time. Everyone is in the conference room having a snack. There's coffee and bagels if you're hungry, but assuming from the drink, you've had something?" I shook my coffee in my hand and nodded. "That's fine, though."

I followed Janie to where I assumed was the conference room. When her back was to me, I silently sighed, drowning the rest of my nerves down the drain.

As we entered the room, all heads turned in the direction of Janie and I. About seven people were in the room, including Alex. Some of them popped out of their seats with huge smiles.

"Miss Holland, thank you so much for coming in," one of the guy gasped, as he approached me. He wasted no time grabbing my hand and shaking it. He introduced himself as Reni.

"Call me, Sarah, please," I chuckled, returning the gesture. He nodded once and moved out the way, so the other guys could introduce themselves. I was glad Janie was there with me or I'd be the only girl in the room.

After meeting everyone, they all went back to their seats and continued to eat, deep in conversation. I glanced at Janie as she smiled, motioning to the table, signaling that I take a seat.

"I have to get a few things done before the interview, so I'll be back. You'll be okay here?" She noticed how we were the outcast in the room.

I nodded, waving her off. "Yeah totally. I'll see you soon." We met eyes and chuckled, before Janie walked out. I looked around and found a seat at the other end of the table. Nobody noticed what I was doing, too busy talking, except for Alex.

In the corner of my eye, I watched as he stared at me, trying to grab my attention. When he realized that wasn't working, he finally called my name. "Sarah," he leaned on his armrest. I looked over at him and waved slightly. He rolled his eyes and pushed the seat next to him back, motioning for me to sit there.

"It's fine, I'm good." His face dropped to an annoyed look. He wasn't taking 'no' for an answer as he continued to pat the empty seat. "Alex," I groaned, darting my eyes at the other men sitting around him. His head turned in their direction and his brows furrowed.

When he finally understood, instead of pushing me any more, he stood up from his chair and snuck around the table to the spot next to mine.

"Hey," he smirked at me, leaning on my own armrest. I huffed silently, giving him a scolding look. "See, isn't this nice. You don't look so awkward now."

"Excuse you," I scoffed, reaching over to hit his chest. That only made him smile brighter. "I am not awkward," I defended myself, crossing my arms. He used the back of his hand to cover his laugh and turned his seat to face me more.

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