chapter four

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It didn't take me long to walk from my apartment to Juniors, so I enjoyed a nice refreshing walk. I ruffled my hair and smiled as the warm breeze rubbed my skin. It was a beautiful sunny day in New York and the cars honking, loud heel clanking, and the music from restaurants filled my ears. I always had myself caught up in daydreams and admiration of being in the city. If it wasn't a dream come true, I don't know what was. Maybe getting a role as Lydia Deetz. Well, that too. But even if I didn't, I was happy I tried. And I made a new friend, so it wasn't so bad.

Alex texted me saying he had already gotten a table for when I got there. I was surprised at how early he was, but he probably predicted it was crowded. And it was.

I barely got through the door with all the bodies rubbing against me. When I eventually got inside, it was only to be met with a long line to the front desk. I groaned loudly, earning stares from others, and fished into my purse for my phone.

"Hey Sarah," A voice whispered in my ear, making me almost jump out of my skin. I turned around and found Alex with an amused smirk. I playfully hit his shoulder to wipe the teasing look off his face. He dramatically gasped, holding the spot I hit at.

"Don't do that, Alex," I scolded him with a laugh. He put his hands up in surrender, before grabbing my arm. Out of reflex, I almost yanked it away, but quickly relaxed before he noticed my flinch.

"Sorry," He chuckled. "Just didn't want to lose such a tiny person in this big crowd, so I thought I'd come and get you."

"Excuse me?" I frowned, hitting his shoulder again as we walked. Trying to maneuver through the right space between tables was a little difficult, so Alex made the initiative to slide his grip down to my hand. He didn't look back at me when he did, and I'm glad because I had time to let my cheeks redden.

I tried my best to ignore the weird feeling of his soft hand in mine, but it was a very heartwarming gesture. His big hand fit perfectly in my rather small one.

"I was just kidding about the tiny joke, shortcake," Alex mentioned, and I could almost hear the smirk on his face.

"Oh, so now I'm a shortcake?" I asked amusingly, lifting my eyebrows. Alex laughed softly, and I caught a nod from him. My lips rolled in quickly, hiding my giddish school girl smile. "I like that nickname," I added, softly. For the first time since we started walking, he looked back at me with a surprised look. Almost like he wanted to make sure he heard me correctly. He then hummed in thought, turning back around.

"I do too," he agreed. "Might keep it around."

When we got to our table, I slipped into the booth seat across from him and sat my purse down next to me. There was a menu already in front of me, so I picked up and scrolled my eyes around. I've been to Juniors twice, but it was such a long time ago.

"Any idea what you want?" Alex interrupted my thoughts. I bent my menu down to meet his hazel eyes. I shook my head with a frustrated huff.

"You?" I asked in hope for a suggestion.

"I haven't been to Juniors in a while," He explained, setting his menu down. "But these burgers look good."

"Where?" I looked back down at the small text. Right before Alex answered, the waiter walked over. He introduced himself and then asked for our drinks. I shyly asked for a milkshake, but when Alex asked for two, my smile grew.

I went back to my menu, but froze when I saw Alex slide next to me in the booth from the corner of my eye. He had a cautious expression on his face as he held the side of my menu. I replied to his gesture with a small smile to comfort his unexpected move.

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