Forty Eight

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Three weeks later and it's the day before the Beetleparty. I'm very excited because this is the casts and crews first 'official' party together. We had a bunch of dressing room dance parties—some hosted by yours truly—but those weren't planned formal parties like this one.

I still have yet to choose a dress, but luckily so hasn't Dana or Presley. It's been so hectic with final touches before opening night and advertisements. We did a teaser trailer for the show by just showing the set and voiceovers, but soon, we'll be recording the entire show for an actual trailer. I'm also pumped for that as well because my parents are dying to see it.

Speaking of my parents, they told me that preordering tickets were available because the show opens in three months. They told me they were quick to grab third row seats. Then they told me that a bunch of family members were also coming along as well. I almost jumped out of my seat when my mom said my older brother was coming. I haven't seen my brother, Stefan, in so long because he moved to England after college and that's where he met his wife. They both came home to multiple family reunions and parties, though. My little sister—Sammy—already lives with my parents, so I knew she was coming. She tried to call me a bunch of times when I told her not to because I was in rehearsal. She loves Broadway as well and wanted to get access to all the behind the scenes stuff.

To sum it all up, opening night is only getting scarier, but exciting by the days.

Anyways, I invited Dana and Presley to go shopping with me after rehearsals. They immediately agreed which is great because I need others opinions on what to get. I can't take Alex because when I told him about going shopping for a dress, he told me that I can go wearing pajamas and I'll still look amazing. That was nice of him to say, but I know he's no help.


"Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew," I everyone sings in unison. I smile brightly, pretending to conduct the cast, who's seated in the house, from the stage.

"And through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out," I lead, already sounding louder than them because my microphone was on for mic check.

"I faced it all and I stood tall," I let them sing, taking a deep breath for my solo. I can see phones held up as they watch me in amusement.

"And did it my way," I hold the note, trying to deepen my voice like Frank at the same time. I fling my hands out, like how I end Home as everyone cheers and laugh at the same time. I love making a fool of myself in front of them. It always uplifts the tiring morning moods and just because I'm comfortable with everyone. They are my family after all.

After we finish the song and I cool down from singing the ending note, I hear a voice down in the pit. "That was great, Sarah," Kris amusingly claps, but still shakes his head.

"Thank you Kristopher," I smirk with a bow. He rolls his eyes at me, before going back to talking with the orchestra in the pit. Timbers and Eddie told us yesterday that today was going to be a chill and fun rehearsals. Mostly because Eddie wants to spend time finishing setting up for the party. Timbers didn't want to give us the day off, though, so we are all just hanging out. He said we can do some of the numbers for fun and literally multiple voices chipped in saying I should sing Dead Mom because they love my performance. I almost cried because of that. Everyone is now backstage when we rehearse, so none of them see me do the number anymore, except for Timbers and some of the designers.

While we wait for Timbers to arrive, I stand on the stage singing random songs with everyone. I'm sure I'll be tagged in a video on Instagram because someone will post my hyper performance. I don't mind, anyways.

"What's next?" I ask as we all finished singing Tomorrow from Annie. I know it's a bad idea singing this much before rehearsals even start, but I'm having too much fun.

"Once on this Island," Ramone, one of the ensembles, shouts out. My eyes shoot towards him as I gasp immediately. He smirks at me, both of us thinking the same thing.

"Waiting For Life," I breathe out slowly, trying to calm myself from exploding with all this adrenaline. I've seen Once on this Island twice and I loved that show so much. It's so underrated and I'm proud of Ramone for knowing it too. "Peter?" I look towards the sound booth where Peter—the sound designer—was sitting playing the karaoke versions of the songs from his phone to the speakers. We didn't want the orchestra to play those songs for us because they would of been playing a lot.

"I'm on it," Peter laughs, looking down at his phone. I squeal loudly, quickly kicking off my shoes so I was in my socks. I didn't want to be bare-footed on the stage, but I wanted to be like Ti Moune, so I just took off my shoes.

As soon as the music started, I move to the beat. I already heard low cheers of my name, making me smile.

"A stranger in white
In a car
Going some—" I start to sing, but the music cut off. I, along with everyone else, turned to look at the booth. Fake boos went around when Timbers came from down the aisle, all of us knowing he stopped it.

"What a welcoming crowd this is," Timbers snorts. He says 'hello' to everyone as we walks towards the stage. I slip my shoes on and walk back towards downstage center. Timbers sees me as he goes up the steps. "And hello Sarah," He smirks.

"Party pooper," I mutter at him with a smile sneaking on my lips. Timbers snickers as he walks over next to me and looks back at everyone.

"Anyways, hello everyone. I hope you guys are pumped for tomorrow's event," Timbers starts. Everyone starts cheering in excitement. I feel Timbers' arm rest on my shoulder. I roll my eyes as I cross my arms. "I honestly planned on all of us heading to the conference room and listening to the album, but Eddie being Eddie—"

"We're gonna have a huge party," I finish for him with a snort. Timbers nudges me with his arm on my shoulder as he joins in.

"So, I hope to see you all there tomorrow," He nods. "And now going back to serious stuff—"

Timbers talks about all the advertising stuff going on. That being the trailer being recorded soon along with some more photoshoots. Mostly the leading six, though. I can't wait until I can see myself on the side of buildings.

"Well with all that settled and talked about, I can stop being a party pooper—" Timbers looks down at me. I chuckle with a shrug. "And you all can go back to your...well whatever this is."

"It's called having fun, Timbers. You should try it," I roll my eyes at his boring attitude.

"Yeah yeah," He rolls his eyes, before heading towards the steps. "Kris, I'm gonna come down to the pit to talk." Kris nods, before stepping off his step, disappearing from everyone.

We spent the next few hours singing other Broadway songs, before Kris and the orchestra are ready to play our songs. Because I was already on stage, I perform Home instead because I didn't have to use props or need a set.


In Love With Alex BrightmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora