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The words continued to repeat in her mind. She knew she was going insane. She was in the middle of preparing for her live show with the song, As If It's Your Last. Yet, couldn't let go of the scenario where Jungkook and herself were walking through Seoul at night which happened over two weeks ago. She hasn't seen the boy since but his words lingered like the wafting scent of nostalgic memories. 

Whenever she passed the street of where the two of them wondered into dusk, her thoughts went back to his voice. Whenever she had a salad or even saw a bowl of noodles, her visions shifted to their argument about food. Even when the girl was sleeping, all she could think about was his arm wrapped around the base of her neck and the vanilla scent of his cologne.

It was all about him. There was no getting around of avoiding the boy. 

As Lisa was getting her makeup done, she was dazing off to the image of the boy. His brown chocolate hair and the rosy lips that were painted on his face. Was she daydreaming about Jeon Jungkook? No? She couldn't be?

"Unnie, can I go to the bathroom for a moment?" Her makeup artist stopped her hand and allowed her to take a break from the application of eyeshadow. 

Lisa's steps walked towards the female stalls located on Inkigayo's third floor. She saw many artists preparing for their time on stage. Some walking onto the airing cameras where many fans were screaming for their favorites idols. 

However, once Lisa entered the bathroom she saw her reflection. A loud orange colour that dyed her hair, the stick-like body that took months of strict dieting and her the frailness of her hands that held onto each other as she continued to look at herself. So much has changed ever since she first came to Korea. 

Her mind went to the man she was fond of once again. Except it was his words that popped in her head.

"Are you sure you find me annoying? Because I just think that you're falling for me, or have you already, Lisa."

God, did Lisa find that line so smooth. He did it with no effort and her heart instantly pounded whenever she thought of those words. It was one, to remember the phrase that he said, but the girl couldn't comprehend that they were for her. He said her name so curiously, so softly, filled with desire. She couldn't wrap her heard around about how that had happened in reality. 

Lisa fixed her hair quickly, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress and walked out of the bathroom. As she took her steps, she imagined the sudden warmth of the arms around her. The small breath that breathed against her neck. Man, was it a nice feeling. 

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