26.[Where She Finds Comfort Though Stuck In A Rut]

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I started looking in my bag for a piece of gum but I heard a knock on the door. I thought maybe it was Principal MacArthur or the kids but it Malcolm.

My heels started to click in anxiety under the table and I felt the goose bumps push their way to the top layer of my skin. He hadn't spoken to me after that encounter in the parking lot, why was he here now. I continued searching in my purse trying to conceal the feeling that hey, I really was in panic mood.

"You can stop pretending that you don't see me here." I looked up and saw that he was walking towards me gliding his index finger across the children's desk on his way. He was staring at in a way that made my chest heave and I felt almost like horror music interludes were playing in the background, the closer he walked to me. The louder the instrumentals got.

"Mr.Huffington, I don't want any problems, could you please leave."

"Pleading, I see." He smiled putting his hands in her pant pocket gazing over me. He towered over as if I was a bad kid being scolded by their parent. He intimidated me under his supremacy and I felt flustered and weak-willed.

"I like that shirt." He gazed right down the V of my cleavage.

"Please get out." I flinched rising to stand up but he pushed me back down---forcefully might I add.

"The other day in the parking lot you didn't seem to please with my way of an apology so therefore I have to make another. I do apologize I really don't know what came over me. You're just very sultry and I can't help but picture having my wicked way with you."

I gulped, the saliva thick and sturdy down my throat.

"I knew from the very first day that I saw you with the water down your chest that you were something I have to have, so where you want to do this?"

Suddenly I felt utterly insolent when he said those words to me. I gained backbone and my eyes beamed with rage and fury. I stood up walking around the desk.

"You are a very disrespectful, delusional, classless man. How dare you come on to me like this? I am not subjected to doing anything with you. You asked me on a date I accepted, that was it, now do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of my classroom."

He smirked, putting his hands together and began clapping. "That was perfect, see I knew you like a challenge, and that just makes me want you even more. I might even have to marry you, so I can have your witty responses all the time."

I was baffled with his type of sadistic sarcasm.

"I was going to wine and dine you first, those were my intentions, but with a sassy mouth like that, I can't even imagine how much better you must taste." He grinned walking over to me.

"What is wrong with you?" I shrieked when he groped his arms around my body. He steadied my face with one hand and forced his lips unto mine. He kissed me hard and distastefully, making me want to hurl.

"NO!" I bit his lip and pulled away from him, well atleast tried but he reached for me, trying to grip me again, but he grabbed the shoulder of my blouse, stretching the fabric, causing it to hand off my shoulder, exposing my bra strap. How much does this man thin he can do to me in a recess period?

"You are a handful I see." He scowled squeezing my cheeks upwards. Kissing me, roughly. I was in a perilous situation and I now regretted even coming to Atlanta. My eyes closed shut as I tried to squirm away.

"Ms.Phe Phe we got the----

"Uhhh." Johnathan uttered.

I felt Malcolm's hands let go of me and I panted in frustration. I looked up and saw Kaitlyn and Johnathan standing there gawking at him with a confused expression. Kaitlyn's held more anger.

My Forbidden Fruits  (August Alsina) Series The First Chapterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें