
Ms. Southerns looked at her bare wrist and gasped.
"It appears that our time in class today has come to an end. You are all excused from class," Ms. Southerns said cheerfully.
Everyone got up and left the class. Luca and I had taken two steps out of Ms. Southerns' classroom when a boy with a little bluebird perched on his shoulder punched Luca in the arm.
"What was that for?" Luca asked. The little bird on the boy's shoulder started chirping angrily.
"Markus is mad at you," The boy answered.
"Why?" Luca asked. The bluebird began chirping again. There was a tap on my left shoulder. I jumped when I turned. Nim's sister, Luna, was standing beside me. She wasn't there before.
"Hi," She said in a monotone voice.
"Hi, Luna," I replied.
"You have Sports class next. So do I, we can walk together," Luna stated.
"Okay, sure," I answered. We continued walking. I wasn't going to turn down an opportunity to be to class on time. Luna seemed like an okay person, it will be good to be her friend.
Luna led me to an unlabeled door in the hall. Luna casually opened the door and stepped down each stair. I counted twelve.
"The Sports class is underground?" I asked Luna.
"No," Luna answered calmly. I just kept my concentration on not falling down the steep stairs. 
Luna pushed open a heavy, wooden door and stepped out. My eyes were blinded by the sudden change of light. It was like staring directly at the sun.
I couldn't have been more wrong when I guessed that the Sports class was underground. The Sports class was located on a giant floating field of grass. The door was a few feet off of the edge. There was a wooden bridge that connected the door and the field.  I tried not to look down, but it was almost  impossible. The school was hundreds of feet below.  'That would be a painful fall' was the first thought that popped into my head.
I sighed and crossed the wooden bridge carefully. I watched Luna cross. She might as well have just walked across solid land to get to more solid land. Her shoulders were slumped forward, her pace was slow, and her expression made her look extremely bored.
I couldn't imagine trying to mirror such unintended confidence. There were more kids standing around the field. I once again saw two boys throwing a ball back and forth. A few birds sat on the rim of an oddly placed birdbath full of water. A few multi-colored fairies flew over the water and skimmed it with their feet. The ball flew over the birdbath, barely missing three birds. They all chirped angrily, and the fairies made little high-pitched noises.
"This is the Sports field?" I asked in amazement. Luna took a seat on one of the benches of the bleachers on each side of the field.
"Yes," Luna answered blankly.
"What kind of Sport do they play on it?" I asked, looking at the two, unfamiliar goalposts on the opposite sides of the field.
"Throwball," Luna answered blankly.
"What is Throwball?" I asked her.
"A Sport," Luna answered simply. I nodded awkwardly.
"Okay," I said under my breath. I looked back at the birdbath just to see an arm stretch out from the water and grab the ball as it zoomed overhead. The arm slowly sank back into the water, taking the ball with it. The birds chirped happily and the fairies giggled.
"That Was Luke!" One of the boys exclaimed. The fairies grew to human size and the birds turned back into humans.
"Tell that to Dorris!" A blue fairy said through an amused smile.
"What are we supposed to do now, Murriel? The mermaids have him!" The first boy exclaimed. This only made the group of girls giggle more. I looked at Luna.
"There are mermaids in the birdbath?" I asked confused.
"Mermaids can access all water sources," She answered casually.
"You can go get him," Murriel suggested. The two boys looked at each other. They both took deep breaths as they neared the birdbath. One of them turned into a squirrel with two heads and the other turned into a sharp knife. The squirrel held the knife between its teeth as it jumped into the water of the birdbath and disappeared. The group of girls giggled again.
"Bye, bye Sioulas, bye, bye Max," Murriel laughed.
"Line up class!" A woman yelled. She had curly brown hair pulled back into a pony-tail and wore horse riding clothes. Everyone got in a line. I watched the birdbath and water turn into two girls from the corner of my eye. Strange. I held back a sigh of disappointment as they got in line and Jonathan Murrel caught my eye. Of course, he has to be in this class.
"This is Sports class, I am Mrs. Mavro. It has been requested that our first lessons will be on Throwball. Of course, this is the first year that you all will be allowed to take extra classes on the Sport specifically. If you are interested, please see me after class. Now, let's get into pairs to warm up, but first, attendance," Mrs. Mavro said loudly. Mrs.
"Say the word 'present' when I call your name. Adeline Grace?" Mrs. Mavro called.
"Present," Once of the bird girls answered.
"Ananke Collins?"
"Atë Heart?"
"Duncan Siwends?"
"Derrick Sparks?"
"Present" Jonathan's second goon answered.
"Davina Watson?"
"Present," Answered the birdbath girl.
"Delilah Grey?"
"Present," I answered.
"Harley Fawls?"
"Jonathan Murrel?"
"Present," Jonathan answered.
"Luna Drops?"
"Present," Luna replied blankly.
"Luke Meeres?" Silence.
"Luke Meeres?" Silence. The group of girls and birds held back laughs.
"I think I saw him out in the hall before class," Murriel said. Mrs. Mavro sighed and scribbled something on her clipboard.
"Maxiapi Harleep?" Silence.
"He and Mr. Meeres must have skipped together," Mrs. Mavro said angrily. The girls still managed to hold back their laughter.
"Murriel Reems?"
"Oceana Current?"
"Present" The birdbath water girl answered.
"Silas Wood?"
"Sioulas Jenkins?" Silence.
"Detention for Mr. Jenkins as well," Mrs. Mavro sighed. The girls failed, they all burst out laughing.
"Control yourselves, and get into pairs," Mrs. Mavro ordered. Luna turned to me immediately.
"Partner?" She asked in a monotone voice.
"Uh... sure," I answered awkwardly. Sometimes I don't know whether she actually liked me or not. We all stood in line, now paired up in twos.
"How many of you actually know how to fly a broomstick?" Mrs. Mavro asked. Half of the group raised their hands. Luna and I weren't with them. Mrs. Mavro scanned the groups.
"Miss grey, you should probably be paired up with someone more experienced on a broom," Mrs. Mavro insisted. I held my breath, maybe I wouldn't be paired up with Jonathan or Murriel.
"How about you, Mr. Murrel. You and miss grey can be partners," She suggested. Out of all of the people in this class, she had to choose Jonathan.
"Yes, Mrs. Mavro," Jonathan said calmly. Mrs. Mavro blew the yellow whistle hanging from around her neck. A puff of purple smoke blocked my vision for a few seconds.
When the smoke cleared, I saw that everyone on the field was wearing grey t-shirts and shorts. I also saw that a wooden cabinet had appeared behind Mrs. Mavro. She opened the wooden cabinet and began passing out brooms.
I squinted at the inside of the cabinet, there were way too many brooms coming out of the cabinet. They all couldn't possibly fit, the cabinet wasn't that big. Mrs. Mavro blew her whistle again and the cabinet disappeared when she finished passing out the brooms.
"Good, now lets split off to learn, make sure to stay away from the edge," Mrs. Mavro said calmly. Everyone walked to different parts of the field.
"Have you ever even seen a broom before?" Jonathan asked me.
"The humans use them for cleaning, not flying," I said calmly. Jonathan scoffed.
"Cleaning, how ridiculous," He shook his head.
"They don't have magic, Jonathan," I said sharply.
"Do you know how to fly a broomstick?" Jonathan asked.
"I didn't raise my hand, did I?" I asked sarcastically.
Jonathan spent the rest of the class teaching me how to fly a broomstick. He reluctantly gave me correct instructions, made sarcastic comments about everything as the time passed, and smiled whenever I fell off or accidentally almost hit another kid in my class.
I was more or less miserable.


Sports class ended, Mrs. Mavro collected brooms and blew her whistle one last time. We were all engulfed in a puff of purple smoke and reappeared in our original clothes.
Luna and I walked back to the school hallway together.
"I have to go to class, goodbye," She jumped into a shadow and disappeared. I looked at my class schedule. I have Music Magic next. There was a little B7 written beside the name. Luca explained to me earlier that that means building 7.
I ran outside the school and down a long bridge. There wasn't a bridge that leads directly to building 7. I had to go down a bridge that leads directly to building 12 and walk a few buildings over. Everyone was in class by the time I walked through the door.
Mr. Spitz and I did not get off to a good start.

Hej læsere! Of course, not every class and every teacher can be Delilah's favorite

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Hej læsere! Of course, not every class and every teacher can be Delilah's favorite. She has a lot of studying to do if she wants to get up to speed with everyone else. Read next week's chapter to find out what happened in Delilah's Music Magic class. Farvel, mine venner!

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