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New character update( Finn who is a football player- senior- Erica's crush)

When I landed my mom was waiting for me otherside...
"Hey Joy!"
"I missed you so much!"
"Me too mom!"
"I love you so much!"
"Why you look too skinny? Do you eat properly?"
"Mom! I ate! But I think it's because I missed you"
"Yes yes of course you do!"
We chuckled.
"So how is grandmom?"
"Not doing well"
I visited as soon as I came here.. but She was in ICU ward.. but after a while she took to room.. The doctor says she is alright now... For a few days she have to be at hospital after that they will discharge her.

Lunch time:

"Woah!!super... Awesome!"
Mom chuckled.
"It taste wow! I missed so much.. Can you come with me to hostel?"
"I can't do that! You did this to happen", she smiled.
"But I missed you too, so much!"
"I miss grandmom too!"
"Just a week wait!"
"Yeah okay!"

After a while~

I hugged my mom and I kissed in her cheeks. And she did the same.
"Mom I love you so much mom... I missed you.. I think of every day and I miss you every night"
"Me too! Without you I can't be here. No choice but to wait for 2years more"
"After that I'll take you where ever I go", I told excitedly.
"Yeah and that's my girl!", She kissed me in my cheeks.
"So how well are you doing? How many friends do you have and whatelse happened without my knowledge?"
I gave a stare.
"So something happened without my knowledge?", ..... Still I gave a innocent stare.
"Okay there is more.. tell me?"
"Why are you look at mom when you can't lie?", I said to myself inwardly.
"Yeah! That-ts..."
And I told about everything that had happened without her knowledge..
"My roommate was boy", I told her.
But she doesn't react much.
"Wait do you know?"
"Yeah!"    "But how?"
"While talking to you on phone"
"But why did you think that I had Boy roommate"
"Because you were worring about that your boy roommate were avoiding you. And sometimes when you do video call there were boys dress!"
"How and when did you hear this? And if there is Boys dress that doesn't mean I have Boy roommate..! 'yeah it is'.. but what made you think so?"
"I think after 2 or 3 weeks of joint your college. And yeah it doesn't mean you have boy roommate... But I don't think so some girl has so many men underwear in her bed or room. One day while video call it was back cam.. you opened your room immediately ..it's just a 3seconds but it was pile of so many underwear and then after you closed the door and walking out of your room..."
"Ohh mom you noticed all of these.. then why didn't you ask me?"
"I want you to tell me and share to me!"
"Sorry mom! Here after I'll tell you all"
She smiled. Then I told what was happened all the months.
"So how is you roommate look like?"
Then I showed him and my friends pictures.
"This is my roommate Jason... He is funny but a bit sensitive but good character my best friend... Sometimes he is so rude and yeah of course a handsome boy of our class... He is quite popular with girls too!"
"This is Em! Emma... you know her as I already mentioned her so many times to you.. She's funny and my bestest friend.. I love her to the core... She is so supportive and caring and lovable ... You would definitely like her."
"Yeah I can see that!", My mom said.
"That is Jasper.. He was so so funny and caring too.. plus too naughty and My roommates step brother"
"Step brother!"   "Yeah!"
Then I told her about them too.
"Billy... Good boy.. sometimes innocent and so funny guy but more sensitive and at the same time lovable.
"Erica... Sweet girl.. the boys would follow her all the times.. because she is the sweet junior for our senior but however she doesn't give a damn about them except for Finn, who is football player"
"Blake and Amy they were twins brothers and sisters ... Cousins of Jason and Jasper... Because of them most of our weekend were awesome ... They do not studies in our college but their mother is a sponsor to our college so they are very important to our college too!"

I told my mom about all the things that were happened without her knowledge but except the accidental kiss, even tho it is accidental I didn't says anything about it.
"One day ask all of them to come and stay here! It would be great"
"Yeah of course mom! It would so so great... I'll say that to them!", Both us nodded by smiling.
At night:

Looking at stars wondering what all others doing.
I miss all of them.. Did Jas and Jasper go to their home? But still concerned about their family issues. I hope all were so united and happy together as family.
Em said she was going to village of her grandparents with her family. How well she was doing I wonder.. and Billy I know he would definitely miss Em but he said he was going to Canada for this holiday... I wonder how he is going to be there without Em!
Erica told she was going to have fun with her family for whole holiday...
And Blake and Amy said they were going to Rome...
I'm wondering what they all doing there and how happy they are..
Wondering do they miss me like I miss them.


"I miss you Joy! I miss you so much"
"Can't wait to see you Joy!", Jason was saying while looking at his phone.

Well I wish to have atleast one person who miss me at my absence. Do you(readers)?

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