Duly Noted

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A library isn't usually a place to hang out with anyone. The most social activity you can partake in a library is most likely a library date, but even then most people don't normally think that's the best option for a date. 

The only one doing things right around here is me!

The young angel girl is mysteriously frustrated today, although she's been here many days in a row already. 

No real business goes on in a library. Especially this one. The thought of her time wasted sitting around and documenting useless people is the cause of her frustration. 

However, she has found things that could make something dramatic happen. 

The girl found her usual seat and opened her laptop in front of her and quickly began to review her notes. 

-The demon librarian is always asleep during the day.

-The demon librarian is unusually observant.

-There are only two workers.

-The human librarian has no ties to this city.

-The demon librarian recently made it out of Hell.

-An assistant in father's corporation asked for a job, will most likely get it in a week.

-The human librarian works at night. 

She narrowed her eyes at the page and reviewed it a couple of times before opening a new tab. Surely she could make a story out of this. The more scandalous, the better. 

The angel took a deep breath and began typing. 

Regret lingered in the back of her mind.

 Maybe the deal with father was always a losing battle.

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