"I have to try," she decides, and pulls out some paper to write a letter.

It's nearly a month later before she gets a reply. But it's not from who she expects.

"Cavidan hanim, you have a visitor," the guard tells her, surprising her greatly. No one except her lawyer has visited her this entire time she's been in prison. Hope fills her heart that her letter was met with love and understanding.

She's led to the family visiting room with the other inmates, unable to keep the smile from her face. Her smile falls when she walks into the room to see her visitor.


"Cavidan hanim."

Both women remain silent for long minutes, not knowing what to say. Reyhan finally fills the void with an awkward hug and polite small talk.

"You look well," she says with a smile. "It was a happy surprise to receive your letter. How are you?"

"You got my letter?" Cavidan asks, her disappointment obvious. "What about Emir? Suna?"

The smile falls from Reyhan's face.

"They need time. But, Emir knows I'm here," Reyhan adds hopefully. "He didn't stop me from coming."

Reyhan sets a folder down in front of Cavidan.

"He also knows I brought these."

Cavidan opens the folder, not expecting the photos of the most beautiful babies she's ever seen fall out into her hands.

"That was their first birthday party," Reyhan explains, a light filling her eyes when she talks about her children. "Emir is holding Melike. Suna has Meryem."

"Twins," Cavidan whispers, tracing their faces with her finger. "Twin girls."

"We're hoping this next one will be a boy."

"You're pregnant again."

Reyhan just smiles and rubs her belly.

So much she's missed, Cavidan realizes as she continues to look at the pictures. So much she will be missing. Maybe one day she won't blame Reyhan anymore. Today isn't that day because much of the anger and resentment she felt before is bubbling to the surface now. But maybe one day.

"Can I keep these?" Cavidan hears herself ask, unable to part with the images of her children and grandchildren. At Reyhan's nod, she tucks them into her pocket and then stands. She struggles with what she's about to say.

"You've done well with my family. I thought you would be the cause of our ruin. But you have not caused us shame. Yet."

Reyhan just laughs and shakes her head, standing to her feet.

"It was nice seeing you too, Cavidan hanim."

And then she's gone. And Cavidan is left all alone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Emir watches Reyhan walk out of the prison towards him. He's finally able to breathe again.

"I'm fine," Reyhan says with a smile, taking his hand when she gets closer. "Your mom didn't eat me."

"I wouldn't put it past her," he grumbles, holding the car door open for her. He wants to get away from this place as soon as he can.

They get far enough away and he finally feels the weight fall off of him. He pulls the car next to a pretty field of flowers and gets out, needing the fresh air.

"You want to talk about it?" Reyhan asks him, knowing his mind is in turmoil. "She asked about you, of course. She was disappointed to see me instead of you. I told her you and Suna weren't ready yet."

He just nods.

Reyhan comes up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist.

"You know I love you, right?"

He smiles, taking one of her hands and lifting it up to his lips for a kiss.

"And I love you. Forever and always."

We survived. Our love survived and we're still here, Reyhan had told him once. We have each other and that's all that matters now.

For Emir, truer words have never been spoken. All that they've accomplished and built over the last few years would mean nothing without her by his side. As long as he has her, the rest of the problems can wait.

"Let's go home," he says, wrapping his arm around her and leading her back to the car.

Home. The place where they first found each other, first found love. The place where that love has flourished into miracles and life. The place where his father is whole. Where his sister is happy. Where his daughters bloom. And where his soon to be son will one day bring his own bride and start the cycle all over again.

There's no place else he'd rather be.

The End.

*** THANK YOU!!! Thanks for taking this journey to me. I appreciate each and every reader, every vote, every comment, every like, every thumbs up .... all of it! You all really inspired me to do my best and write a story for Reyhan and Emir that we deserved to see. Hope to see you all soon. I have more stories in my head for these two, so stay tuned ***

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