Chapter 20

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Emir all but runs to the car, eager to get away from the scene he just left inside the house. He knows it needed to be done. There's no helping his mother. But it was still hard. He starts the car and begins to drive away, only noticing when he turns the corner that Reyhan is crying.

"Are you okay?" he gently asks, reaching over to take her hand.

"Not really," she tearfully admits. "Although I should be asking you that question. That had to have been hard for you."

He's quiet for a few minutes, partly concentrating on the road. But also really giving her question some thought.

"It wasn't really hard in the way you're probably thinking," he finally says. "I knew she wouldn't be happy with what I was going to do. But that couldn't be helped. She has proven that she can't live with us.

"The hardest part was realizing how she really feels about you. It makes me sad that she can't see how wonderful you are. And how beautiful you are on the inside and the outside. How you're about to give me the greatest gift in the world. And she's not even excited about having grandchildren. She doesn't even know that there's gonna be two of them. She doesn't care. She can't be happy that I'm happy. Which means she doesn't care about me either."

"I'm sorry," she apologizes, fresh tears making their way down her cheeks in flooding streams.

Her sobs break his heart.

"Oh, baby," he says to her. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault."

He pulls the car over and then goes to her side of the car. He opens her door and kneels down next to her, tilting her face so she can look at him.

"Don't cry," he pleads, wiping her tears. "You're going to make yourself sick."

She turns to him, falling into his arms burying her face in his neck. Holding her close, he can only pat her back gently and whisper sweet words of love to help calm her.

"Better?" he asks when she finally stops crying.

"A little." She gives him a small, embarrassed smile. "I've been pretty emotional lately. You must think I'm a mess."

"My beautiful mess," he teases her.

That makes her laugh a little and he feels much lighter.

"Come on. Let's get going," he says, kissing her quickly before heading back to his side of the car. He gives her a cryptic smile. "I have something that will make you feel even better."

"Oh really? What is it?" she asks excitedly.

"It's a surprise."

She gets a look on her face that makes him curious.

"What? You don't like surprises?"

"Emir ... when has a surprise ever worked out for us?" she asks him seriously. "Things tend to end tragically when surprises are involved."

He frowns, but considers what she said and realizes it's true.

"You're right," he admits. "Okay, so let's not call this a surprise. Let's just say I'm taking you to a place I think you'll like, but I won't tell you where we're going because I want to see your reaction when we get there."

She gives him one more suspicious glare before finally nodding.

"I'll allow it," she reluctantly agrees, making him laugh at her skepticism.

"You'll love it," he promises. "Trust me."

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Emir was right this time, Reyhan realizes with a sigh of relief. She does love the surprise.

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