Chapter 13

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Cavidan waits until Zafer has left with Zeynep before sending Nigar and Melike into the kitchen to get them out the way. She knows Cemre is up to something and wants to know what it is.

"Tell me," Cavidan orders once they are alone. "What has you in a panic?"

Cemre looks around nervously.

"Don't worry. Everyone is gone," Cavidan assures her. "Thanks to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Who do you think spiked that little village girl's tea with the sleeping pill?" Cavidan says proudly, a smug grin on her face. "You seemed desperate to get your hands on whatever it is Zafer brought to Emir. This seemed the easiest way to get them out of the way."

Cemre hesitates, but realizes she has to tell Cavidan the truth.

"Okay, I'll tell you," Cemre finally agrees. "But in the office. We probably don't have a lot of time and I have to find that flash drive."

"What's on this flash drive?"

"Cavidan teyze, please! We just have to find it!" Cemre urges her. "Start looking!"

"Start talking," Cavidan counters.

"Fine!" Cemre shuffles things on the desk looking for the drive. "It all started when that girl came back to the mansion. She managed to lure Emir to the mountain cabin."

"That old place of Kemal's? Ugh. Figures she'd pick that disgusting place."

"I saw them together. In bed," Cemre confesses. "And it drove me crazy. I snapped. I didn't know what I was doing. I saw the gas can and dumped it all around the house. Lit the match. And ran."

"You did what?" Cavidan snaps. "You tried to kill my son?"

"He was with her," Cemre spits out. "I couldn't get that image of them out of my head."

Cavidan just grabs her head and furiously rubs her temples. This girl is going to be the death of her one day. If she doesn't kill her first. This idiot and her obsession with Emir is causing more and more problems every day.

"You're lucky Emir is fine. What would make you even think to do such a thing? You could have killed him!"

"It was nothing," Cemre swears. "They even thought it was an accident... until recently. Yonca heard Emir and Zafer talking yesterday at work. Apparently there's an investigation and they're now ruling it arson. Emir sent Zafer to the cabin to download the security footage from that night."

"So that's what's on this flash drive," Cavidan finally realizes. "But let me ask you something. You find this drive and then what? Don't you think Emir will know it was you who took it? What if this isn't the only copy? Or what if there's something else to link you to the fire?"

"Cavidan teyze, please! We don't have time for this!"

"No, no. This is the perfect time. We need to stop just putting out fires ... pardon the pun. We need to kill this thing at the root. We have to get rid of the problem."

"Reyhan," Cemre agrees. "Although I have to remind you, she would no longer be a problem if your shooter had followed the plan and killed her the way we paid him to."

"And that's where your short sightedness fails you, Cemre dear. By having him shoot me, we got me back in the house and I was then able to take care of the Hikmet problem. Two birds, one stone."

"So how do we take care of Reyhan? Are you going to hit her on the head the same way you did Hikmet amca? Hire another gunman?"

"Killing her is no longer an option, maalesef. I believe the stupid girl has gone and gotten herself pregnant. We can't kill her or simply run her off. Emir would never get over losing a child. It's going to be hard enough to get him to believe she got accidentally dosed with the sleeping pill, but we can put that off on Nigar. We'll say the sleeping pill was for me and Nigar mixed up the tea cups."

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